Tuesday, December 24, 2019

More Christmas Thoughts

  Jesus, the Son of God, squeezed through that tight, virginal, birth canal and there was no real glory to it.  He came into the world like all mankind.  There were no cutting corners because He was the Son of God.  It was a first labor and delivery for a young tired girl.  There was the typical mess that comes with birth, but He also plopped down, right into a used stable.  Now, I don't know about you but, I think that might have been a real smelly mess.  Jesus came, every bit, the Son of Man.

  Mary wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, the "sign" that would be found by the shepherds, according to the angels who spoke to them.  Why was this such a sign?

  In some of my past readings, I learned, Bethlehem was an area where sheep were raised for purchase for the sacrificial offerings needed at the temple in Jerusalem.   When the ewes gave birth, the shepherds would examine the lambs closely for any blemishes or defects.  If a lamb was perfect, the shepherd would wrap it in swaddling cloths and lay it in a manger.  This was done so it could not hurt itself and also protected The newborn lamb from being stepped on or hurt by others.  All the lambs needed for sacrifice must be prefect.

  Maybe, when the shepherds went searching for the baby Jesus, they found Him in a feeding trough along with swaddled lambs.  Can you imagine them suddenly finding the right stable, and seeing,
lamb, lamb, lamb, baby boy, lamb, lamb?

  I don't think they knew they were seeing the perfect Lamb of God.

  But we do.

  Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

More About Angels

  In the Scripture, I saw recently and for the first time, when the angel announced the Good News about Jesus' birth, he stood before them. Somehow I always had him suspended in the nighttime sky.  The glory of the Lord shone around the angel as well as the shepherds who were minding their business caring for the flocks.

  Lk 2:9  And behold,  an angel of the Lord stood before them,
 And the glory of the Lord shone around them,
 And they were greatly afraid.

  The multitude of the heavenly host who joined the first angel were possibly on the ground surrounding them as well.  Imagine!  A multitude!  How many might that be?  Maybe as far as the eye could see?  And the multitude were not singing, but saying, the announcement of glory and goodwill from God.

  2 Kings 6:17  And Elisha prayed and said,"Lord,
I pray, open his eyes that he might see."
Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw.
And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

  We, you and I, are now the bearers of the Good News of Jesus' birth; the unimaginable grace and goodwill for this earth crumbling under the weight of sinful people.

  Don't neglect to announce the Good News to all who are hungry.
  The Word will not return void.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

What a Birth Announcement

  Angels!  Can you imagine the sky suddenly radiant with an angel filling the whole night with
"Do not be afraid!"???  Jesus was not born in obscurity as some seem to think.  Yes, it was little Bethlehem, but to have the nighttime sky announce your birth is pretty amazing.

  Good tidings of great joy were announced that night, and it only got better and better.  After the angel gave his message, suddenly, the sky was full of them.  The shepherds must have thought they had gone crazy.  But not so.  There were numerous shepherds watching their flocks, so they could talk about it and pinch each other and know it was the real deal.

  "There is born to you this day in the city of David"... It didn't happen yesterday, He was born this day.  This baby was fresh spankin new.  He was the long awaited, anticipated Savior of the World.  And He was announced by an entire host of heaven.  Nobody knows how long the angels hung around.  They did get off a rousing good round of "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" before they left.

  I hope His birth gives you reason to pause, and just bask in the awesome glory of that night.

Luke 2:10  Then the angel said to them,
"Do not be afraid,
For behold I bring you tidings
Of great joy
Which will be to all people."

Friday, December 6, 2019

Rounding Third

  I feel like I am finally rounding the last corner in my recovery.  Monday was my last ablation to settle the nerves in my low back, and I am healing nicely.  Just in time for Christmas and the few things we will do this year.  Bensons are coming from KS after and staying through the New Year.  I love that they come and stay awhile.  They are so easy to have around.

  Jim has put up all the many lights to brighten the darkness of winter.  We love the lights, or at least he knows that I do.  Our other traditions are yet to be determined.  So much of the shopping for gifts is up to me, and the jury is still out on that.  Haven't bought a thing so far.  I don't do much baking anymore, just carmel rolls for Christmas brunch, and enough of those to go caroling to all our neighbors and give each home a pan of them.  I always get all the help I need to make them too.

  It is such a special time of year for me.  I try to be intentional about pondering the various aspects of the birth of Jesus, and just how that must have looked.  Bethlehem must have been a madhouse with all those folks coming to town to register for the census; young Mary and Joseph traveling expecting their first child; angels in the sky, singing!  Really?  How totally bazaar and the only time since creation that they sang.  But more on that next week.

  God is so very wonderfully good.  Kind and gentle are the two words I would use today to discribe Him today.  He sent people to my door with such sweet spirits and tender loving hearts.  I am humbled and thankful.

John 1:9  That was the True Light
                Which gives light
                To every man
                Coming into the world.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

So Thankful, Not Always

  Are you thankful?  I am.  Everything I see and do are reflections of God.  I know how He loves me and is working all things together for my good and His glory.  There was a time when I wasn't so thankful.

  Thirty years ago we had a little boy named Charlie.  I knew he was a gift from God, but I just couldn't get myself to receive that he had microcephaly like his older brother, Dom.  We were having endless difficulties with raising one child with so many problems, how on earth were we going to manage two?

  I slipped into a very ungrateful depression, and it happened before he was a day old.  Oh! How I just wanted to put on my shoes and walk away and never look back.  But that is not what good christian women do, so, I stayed.  Ps 127:3 says "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward."  I kept thinking "a reward for what?"

  Of course I didn't 'walk away' but I did nurse a pretty black depression for a number of months.  A little, simple exercise in briefly writing out the reasons I was thankful, broke my depression.  I realized that I was telling myself that I just didn't care, when really, I cared very much.  And by then this little guy of ours had worked his way into our hearts on his our merit.  Our family could never have been whole without him.

 Ps 100:4   Enter His gates
with thanksgiving,
And intoHis courts with praise.
Be thankful unto Him,
and bless His holy name.


Saturday, November 23, 2019

God's Amused Affection

   It is long past blog time and I am finally getting to it.  I had a busy, exhausting but fulfilling week.  For the first time since breaking my back I was off my strong pain meds and able to drive myself to several appointments.  I also had several visitors and I do believe they do more for me than therapy and doctors.  Visiting with and praying with each other goes a long way towards healing my mind, heart and body.  It gives me that positive reinforcement to keep my mind on the good things of God.  No small matter!

  Pain still keeps me home and close to the recliner.  Physical Therapy begins on Monday.  We'll see what they can do with me.  I've had two sessions with a therapist that worked on my smashed face.  It decreased the headaches tremendously.  Both sessions made me very unsteady on my feet for a time, and I continue to be cautious, especially as I round corners.

  Did I mention that one night, several weeks after falling, I decided to sleep in one of the recliners in the back room that I frequently use for my quiet times, and it fell over backwards with me in it?  Yes it did.  That caused a bit of a conundrum for me.  I had to figure out how to get out of it and back up again without hurting myself.  My daughter had taught me to roll like a log so I rolled out of the recliner and unto the floor.  I rested there until I was able to get up.  Thankfully there was no harm done, except the recliner needs repair.  Such excitement....about all I could handle!

  God is watching.  I believe, along with me, He is grinning.

1Peter 5:7 Amp  Casting the whole of your care
[all your anxieties, all your worries,
all your concerns, once for all]
On Him,
for He cares for you affectionately,
and cares about you watchfully.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Rounding the Corner on Week # Five

  As the end of week number five, of my healing from the bathroom slip was approaching, I was using a muscle relaxant that wasn't compatible with me.  Little did I know just how sensitive I was to it.  I passed out in the bathroom and received numerous bumps and bruises plus a concussion.  Thankfully I did no major damage to my back.  That is healing nicely.

  I have to say that I am getting tired of this recliner, although I am still awfully thankful for it.  There are so many other things I'm thankful for too.  Prayers of the saints is a big thing.  With all that's gone on, it seems Father is holding a line, the tricks of the enemy cannot cross.  I believe that prayers surround me and, although healing is taking its sweet time, I see the edge and the end of this tumble.

  Many days I have someone come to my door with a meal, for a short visit, a little prayer time, some laughter and some distraction.  It is so good to be a part of the Body of Christ.  They certainly are my true brothers and sisters.  I would be a goner without them.

  God is so near and dear.  He comes with healing in His wings.
  Jim has been stedfast and helpful.  Who could ask for more?

  I am probably taking license with this Scripture today but here goes anyway.

  Proverbs 24:16  For a righteous man may fall seven times
                             And rise again.
                              But the wicked shall fall
                              By calamity.


Thursday, November 7, 2019

Week # Five of Healing

  Somehow, even confined, the days fly by.  Time passes quickly as healing takes place slowly.  At one point a couple of weeks ago, I was down and lonely.  I was in more pain and feeling pretty tired.  I chalked it up to that.  Other than that, although I am alone a lot, I am not lonely.

  Scripture, worship songs and past sermons have been my meat and company.  A sweeter relationship with the Lord Jesus develops in the midst of this.  I remind Him again and again , that I want all He has for me, at any cost, nothing lacking.

  Jesus came out of the wilderness filled with the Holy Spirit, preaching with authority, teaching like no-one else ever had, healing the sick, raising the dead, and doing miracles.

  The same Holy Spirit is in me.  In the past, He has used me to preach the Good News to the poor and to heal the sick.  It is my solomon prayer that this time in the wilderness for me, brings me so close to Father, that I say and do all He does.  I want to bring the Kingdom of God, to all my spheres of influence, that He might be glorified.

Isaiah 54:2-3  Enlarge the place of your tent,
And let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings;
Do not spare;
Lengthen your cords,
And strengthen your stakes.
For you will expand to the right and to the left,
And your descendants will inherit the nations,
and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.

Thursday, October 31, 2019


  Having the major pain of a fractured vertebrae under control, this week has been filled with the little annoyances that come and build unrest.  The computer locked up and I needed to depend on brains bigger than mine to get it up and running again. and that took time.  I inadvertently deleted my favorite and much used Bible app.  I have tried repeatedly to reinstall it, to no avail.  I dropped and broke my water bottle, the only one in the house.  I had recently cleared the cupboard of all the extras.  I woke up with more pain today.  Who knows why.  And a host of things too small to mention, but I would love to complain about.  So.  Now that I have that off my chest, I can get on with, once again, choosing joy.

  Having long ago received Jesus as Lord of my whole life I also have to be willing to take the long winding trail of patient, persistent perseverance.  Although it is not easy, it is so good to be obedient to the call of suffering for Christ's sake; to be conformed to His image; to better understand His strength in me.  I still would give anything to be conformed to Jesus, His will and His way.  Whatever it takes.

  Jesus came out of the wilderness filled with the Holy Spirit and with power.  I want the same thing.  The Holy Spirit and power to speak His words, do His works and watch His miracles happen with my own eyes.  Revival is near, at the very door.  I hold my breath in expectation.  Jesus has great plans.  I will be part of it.

John 14:12 "Most assuredly, I say to you
He who believes in Me,
The works that I do he will do also,
And greater works than these he will do,
Because I go to the Father."

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Two Weeks After the Fall

  Although, I don't yet know all the details of my fractures, life has become more bearable.  The first week was unreal I hurt so much.  This past week the pain has calmed down just a little more each day.  Now I feel I've plateaued somewhat.  It is probably right to expect a slow down.

  Each day I am still rising in the morning to extra pain from night stiffness, but the same joy greets me and is mine for the taking.  And, yes, I have to choose joy and act on it.  But it is a wonderful way to spend the day.  My dad always said, "Attitude with gratitude."  He has a valid point.

  I believe there will be stories for a long time to come as the Benson kids had a great time with their PapaJim.  He enjoyed their company also and I'm so glad he could go.   Eric and Emily had an unfamiliar time figuring out how to do vacation with just two opinions about what to do next.  It was good for them.

  1Thessalonians 5:18  Give thanks in everything:
  For this is God's will
  For you
  In Christ Jesus.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Yes! It Is

  This post is on the heels of the other intentionally.  The post was written on Monday.  On Tues. morning I slipped in the shower, fell straight down on my backside and broke my back.  Although I am still waiting to see what other damage was done via MRI,  X-rays show a fractured T12.  I have another visit with the doctor this afternoon to go over test results.

  Jim has tucked me in here at our daughter Chelsea's house.  She and Andy were so gracious to have me so Jim could still get down to the Bensons and stay with them while vacation for Eric and Emily went on as planned.

  I am counting it all joy when I encounter various trials, Knowing that the testing of my faith will work in me the patient perseverance that I seek, in order to be conformed to Jesus.  I know that my Redeemer works everything for His glory and my good.

  The pain is severe, but, I hope to be thankful for the way all of this was orchestrated.  I couldn't be in better hands.  I can still use my arms and legs.  I can still smile through the pain, or not, it doesn't matter if a grimace escapes.  Who's counting, anyway?

James1:4  But let perseverance and patience
Have its perfect work,
That you may be complete
And perfect
Lacking nothing.                  

Always Good

  My health has improved this past month or so and I am looking forward to some time nurturing the young of our little clan.  The oldest of our grandchildren is 15 years old.  She is independent and wonderful.  Margaret is small and feisty and strong of character.  I absolutely adore her.  Josephine is her sister, 14 yrs. and a budding artist.  She is creative in many of the arts, but I think she is stellar in the performing arts of music, and acting.  She is truly a girl after my own heart.

  Then there is David.  What a unique young man, at 11.   He has a soft heart but a strong body.  I have seen that kid do somersaults all over the house.  I think he could even do them up the stairs.  But even more than that, he is more of a sponge than I have seen in most kids.  For example, he knows more about birds than I would care to come up against in any contest.  He knows more about other things too.  Absorbing is what he seems to do best.

  Laura, the youngest of the family, is pure gold!  Although she is only 9 she has told me (at least four years ago) that he had known Jesus all her life.  She loves just everybody.  She is active and caring and packed with gifts that will explode into nurture and care of others.  A darling to be loved and to learn from, as are all of them.

  These are the children we are going to be with for the next week.  I am really excited  as their parents have a long awaited vacation.

  I am so very glad that our children were brave enough to have children of their own.  It takes courage these days to bear children and raise them in the hard life of Christianity.  A life in and with God is not always easy, but it is always good.

Psalm 127:3  Children are a heritage
From the Lord,
Offspring a reward from Him.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Am I Home Yet?

  This past weekend there was a women"s conference here in St. Cloud called Thrive.  I was fortunate enough to go.  On the first day of the two day conference, my husband, Jim, drove me to and from.  Because my middle name may as well be "Lost," I thought he could show me were to park and the best way to get there.  He was out of town the second day so I was on my own.

  As I exited the last session, I must have gone out of the wrong door of the Convention Center. and proceeded to walk a distance to one of the parking garages I guessed was the one where I had my car parked.  I found, at the far end of the garage, a stairwell.  I climbed the five stories to where I remembered I had parked the car.  No car.

  Down I went and exited into an alley quite full of garbage bags, and among the other trash, discarded van seats.  By that time my feet hurt really bad and those seats had a certain appeal.  Ignoring the draw of the seats ( I REALLY wanted to sit for awhile) I plodded on to the street and it gave me no clue as to where my car was located.

  I remembered that I might find it's location on my cell phone. As I looked on the phone it also turned out to be rather confusing as I didn't know if the blinking thing was me or my car.  After walking the exactly wrong way for a block or so, I turned and realized that the little arrow was me.  (Did I mention that my feet really hurt?)  I turned and followed the map in the correct direction, and about four blocks later my phone said I'd arrived at my destination.  (Did I mention that my feet hurt?)

  Up to the top I went and actually found my car.  Although I turned the wrong way to get out of the ramp, there were very few cars left, so I had plenty to room to turn around.  Once out of the ramp, I took another wrong turn, and, over the river I went.  I decided it would be lovely to do a little drive around Clemens  Gardens.  After that I found my way home.
 I  loathed my shoes and every other pair in my closet.  I really wanted to burn all of them.  End of adventure.

  I am reminded over and over lately that this is not my home.  Once I finally get home I will never be turned around or lost.

  2 Corinthians 5:20a  Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ...  I might add, in a strange and foreign land. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Power of the Spirit

There are a number of things rattling around in my heart.  How can I best serve God and my neighbors?  How can the passions of my heart be satisfied without a platform on which to deliver?
  It is a dear thing to wait on the Lord.  He is the one that opens the windows of heaven for me.  It is never by my might or power that I am successful in proclaiming the Gospel, or doing acts of service for His children.  It is only by His Spirit that anything gets done successfully.
  I have been feeling pretty well lately.  Oh, I still have some issues, but they are so minor compared to all the physical maladies of the past, that I feel I am doing really well.  It makes me restless to DO.  I have been a mother forever, and helping out with the grandchildren satisfies somewhat.  But it seems there is more on the horizon.   It's cloudy and I can't see clearly what's out there but I sense something awaits.   The preparation time might last for 75.5 years so that 5 months of longing might be fulfilled.  I know it will be worthwhile when the Lord releases in the power of the Spirit.

Zechariah 4:6b  Not by might
Nor by power
But by My Spirit

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hungry Bundles

  This week I had opportunity to care for Samuel and Isaac while their Mom went out for a couple of hours.  I do enjoy them.  Although they look a lot alike, they have differences that tickle me.  Samuel's hair is totally disobedient to any kind of plan regarding the comb.  Isaac's fits his little head quite perfectly.  And Isaac is still a pound ahead of Sam..
  By the time a couple of hours had gone by, they were both thinking of food.  Trying to comfort them, and using two arms to hold them still works because they are so little.  The time is soon approaching that I will need a third arm.  It is no fun to listen to a baby cry.  I have experience with that.
  When our son Charlie was a newborn, he raised the roof with crying and he was inconsolable.  As  happens , it came most always at mealtime, when we were all planning to have a meal together, and hoping to hear each other talk.  He outgrew the screaming and instead became a talker.  It took him awhile to develop his skill.  Now it is hard to get him to be quiet, especially at mealtime.  I think babies that cry a lot, when all their physical needs are met, just have a lot to say.  It was one of the thoughts that helped us through those trying days. 
  Hang tightly onto your joy.   Along with love it glues the whole family together.

James 1:2a  Consider it great joy,
My brothers and sisters (and also my children)
Whenever you experience
Various trials,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

His Footstool

   Although we are still picking some things, our garden is well beyond peak.  I reflect on the amazing days of gathering produce these past months, and can't help but recall our first garden in St. Cloud.  Located exactly where it is now, we planted and worked to get anything to grow, besides weeds and bugs.  My first crop of green beans was meager and bug eaten.  With every bean I picked, I thanked Father for His wonderful provision.
  This year, we were still eating from last years produce, when our season ran down for the year.  Amazing!  Picking and gathering is, for me, a gentle and tender time. God is so close and I praise Him for His abundance.  It is a time of getting close to Him with a thankful heart and pondering the shear wonder of His good earth.
  It is almost as though His feet were resting in our garden.

Matthew 5:34-35 But I say to you, do not swear at all:
Neither by heaven
   for it is God's throne
Nor by the earth
  for it is His footstool;
Nor by Jerusalem,
  for it is the city of the great King.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Weekend Fun

  Whew!  So much fun in such a short time!  Our daughter Emily and hubby Eric, along with their four children, came for a quick Labor day weekend.  Driving from KS is no small feat, so we really appreciated seeing them.  On Monday we went to "the lake" and were the only ones there for the first hour or more.  Kayaks and a canoe were employed by nearly everyone throughout the day.  The baby boys, only six weeks old and their brave parents, endured the whole time with very little fussing, babies or parents!
  I had such a sweet time watching everyone and enjoying being together.  Our girls take over the kitchen/cooking/planning pretty much, so I can relax even with so many around.  We were 23 total with Phil and Jaimee and their two girls absent.
  It's hard to believe that our little group has grown that much.  I still, and will always marvel at the individuality of each one; their talents and giftings; the way each family becomes their own. It makes me think of the joy Father must have in each of His children and the way His family is becoming His own.  What a treasure we are, these earthen vessels, formed by the Potter Himself.
  Makes me love Him even more.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Creative Genius

  I love getting to know newborn babies.  They are all so miraculously different.  Facial expressions; curious movements; eye contact, and on what; do they like being naked or not; how do they respond to familiar voices, and on and on.
  The baby boys are an interesting chapter in my life.  From my youth on I've loved babies.  I was third in my family, oldest girl with nine younger siblings.  Once when my mom told me she was going to have another baby, I burst into tears.  Alarmed, she asked what was wrong?  I responded "I'm so happy!"  And I really was.  Another little one to cuddle, get to know, and help care for.
Such a gift!
  Babies are still a joy to me.  They are all so different, I think God just can't control Himself.  He is so creative and generous in all He does.  The twins are double the fun for us, double the curiosity, and double the praise to God.

Psalm 127:3-5a  Behold
Children are a heritage from the Lord,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior
So are the children of one's youth.
Happy is the man whose quiver is full of them

Monday, August 26, 2019


  Jim and our grandson Timothy (7 yrs.) took down a rather large old apple tree in our back yard. There was a lot of digging and sawing to get some of the big roots cut.  When the time came to pull it down, Timothy shimmied up the tree and tied on the rope.  After that it was a joint effort to topple it.  When it finally cracked and came down the cheer was worth all the work

  The "men" hauled branches and stacked them on the old van.  We all piled in to go along to the compost site.  There was a great Minnesota storm brewing and as Jim left the van to pull the limbs from the top, It let loose with a deluge.  Oh! How delighted everybody was to see him get drenched!  But the fun wasn't over.  He needed to get some pails of black dirt to fill the hole.  He got in the car dripping wet (much to our delight) and drove to the pile of compost he needed.

  When he got out of the van to fill up the pails, God let the clouds loose with a mighty rush of water!
He got back in just soaked to the skin.  When he got back into the vehicle, the rain let up to a gentle drizzle. I do believe he enjoyed entertaining us.
Water.  Such a blessing from God in more ways than one.

Psalm 65:9a  You visit the earth
And water it
You greatly enrich it
The River of God is full of water

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Surprising Developments

  After our first three children were born, ( three in three years and two months,) you can imagine how busy life was.  We were certain we did not want any more children.
  God thought differently however.  He, in His still small voice, spoke to me again and again about having another child.  Day in and day out I heard that whisper until finally my resistant heart was softened and I actually wanted another child.  My husband also finally succumbed and we had a little boy.
  As I gave birth and the doctor placed the little guy on my tummy, God whispered, "Meet Dominick Israel.  Here is Dominick Israel.  Meet your son Dominick Israel."
  God knows the plans He has for us.  They sure do take surprising turns and twists along the way, but they are always for His glory and for His purposes.  Dominick's life has played a huge part in our journey.  And there is surly more to come.

Jeremiah 29:11 "I know the plans
I have for you," declares the Lord,
"plans to prosper you
and not harm you
plans to give you hope
and a future." NIV

Thursday, August 8, 2019

News Flash! Dominick Turns 36!

  Our Dominick turned 36 years old today, 7/30.  This guy is so amazing, he is extremely brilliant.  He just can't talk his brilliance.  He shows it to us in other ways.
  His eyes tell their own story.  They are so expressive.  You can understand what he has to say if you take the time to look.
  How seldom we look into each others eyes.  Social media has stolen something sacred from us.  Instead of eyes we look at screens.  I am not condemning social media.  There are many good uses for it.  I just wished we could balance our lives more easily; maybe really look and listen.
  There are people in Dominick's life that really matter.  They really see. They take the time to look intently and "see" what he wants to say.  These folks come and go in his life, but each one makes an impact on his it...and on ours too.
  We love them and praise God for them.

Psalm 139;16a Your eyes saw my substance,
Being yet unformed.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


  Our wrens fledged last week.  I had asked the Lord to please let me see it happen.  But this time I missed it by maybe an hour or two.  The wren house is on the backside of the garage.  When I went out to check , there were two adult wrens ripping the atmosphere with there angry chirping.  I decided not to check too closely.  Maybe next time I will catch the young ones in the act.

  Always the Father hears my prayers, but sometimes I need to wait.  I feel so blessed to have been outside each evening to watch the parent birds fly back and forth feeding those frenzied little mouths.The song and chirping was always a sweet touch from God.He knows how much I love the birds that visit our back yard

I am so thankful.

1 Thess. 5:18  Give thanks in everything;
For this is God's will
For you
In Christ Jesus

Ps.   Later in the week I caught the little bluebirds in the lawn, just fledged.
Praise the beauty of our Father!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

New Arrivals

  First of all, I'm sorry about being late with this blog.  We've had Timothy, age 7, and Hilde, age 5, with us since Sunday.  Frankly I haven't even thought about writing.
  On Monday 7/22 their twin brothers were born.  They look alike.  When they say "identical" they   know what they are talking about.  For the time being, Isaac is a pound heavier at 7#8 oz.  It is easy to tell them apart when I hold one of them.  Samuel is the feather weight at 6# 8 oz.
  This whole pregnancy has been exceedingly blessed by the experiential goodness of God..  He gave them twins when that is what we asked for in spite of not having twins in the families.  Father provided many of the durable goods at low cost, or, free.  Everyone stayed in good health.  The weight and health of the babies is such that they can go home right away,  Mom worked her job until Friday before delivery on Monday, so she can enjoy the time off provided, and get used to this whole new set of inter personal relationships.
  We are overflowing with 14 grandchildren, seven boys and seven girls.  Long ago we learned that children were blessings from God.  We are blessed and rejoice.

  Psalm 127:3
  Behold, children are a heritage
  From the Lord,
  The fruit of the womb
  Is a reward.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Rejoice and Shake Free

  Do you delight in God?  Do you seek Him just to delight and take pleasure in Him?  Do you find the place of His presence in intimacy that is unique to only you and Him?

  The psalms are full of admonitions to rejoice in God; take pleasure in Him; shout with joy before Him; sing and make melody before Him. In spite of all these encouraging words to do so, how often we present our burdens, and then carry them away still on our shoulders?!

  Rejoicing before God makes those burdens fall right off.   He wants us to shake free of them. He encourages us to do so.  Delighting in God gives Him great pleasure.  Isn't giving God pleasure one of the reasons for living?  When you are in Christ you please God a great deal.  Go beyond that today,  Give Him great pleasure.  Live life rejoicing.

 Determine to really live until you are dead.

Psalm 149:1-2  Praise the Lord!
Sing to the Lord a new song,
And His praise in the assembly of the saints.
Let Israel rejoice in their Maker;
Let the children of Zion be
Joyful in their King.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Bachelor Uncles

  Our sons, Dom and Charlie, (the bachelor uncles) were bot born with microcephaly.  They are 35 yrs. and 30 yrs. old.  Back in the day they were "labeled" severely cognitively delayed.  I can understand why.  However they are both very intelligent and gifted.  Charlie has a wonderful memory and purity of joy.  Dominick is very compassionate and kind.

  We took them with us to Kansas to celebrate the Fourth of July with Emily and Phillip and their families, their siblings, nieces and nephew.  The weather cooperated mostly and we had a wonderful time.

  Nine to ten hours in the car can be challenging for all of us.  The guys perseverate, getting stuck on their favorite subjects, and we know them all.  They are clearly gifts from God.  They can, however, drive us crazy.

  This time I played a book on tape.  We had cooperation and peace all the way.  It was nothing short of a miracle!

Numbers 6:26 The Lord lift up His countenance
Upon you
And give you peace.

And He did.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Fourth of July

Wamego, KS has the best fourth of July celebration in the state.  Our daughter Emily, her husband, Eric, and four children live there. Our son Phillip and his wife Jaimee live in Wichita with their two girls, and they join us in Wamego. for the festivities.  We head down there every Fourth of July. 

  A beautiful bed and breakfast greets us with open arms and the children take turns staying with us two by two. The family time is just wonderful.   So far, we all get along really well.  Wamego does it up well.  There is always a parade through town, an antique car show and carnival rides for the kids.  The fireworks are always spectacular. 

  Oh! How we enjoy!
  Remembering and being thankful for our freedom.

PS 33:12  Blessed is the nation
Whose God is the Lord
The people whom He has chosen
As His heritage.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Rhubarb Crunch

  Yesterday Timothy(7 yrs old) and Hilde (5 yrs) and I dug into the rhubarb and pulled a pile of it out.  They were pretty gung-ho so we set up cutting boards and some very adult sharp knives.  I showed them the size of the pieces I needed and they began cutting rhubarb for the desserts I planned to make.  After we cut at least 18 large cups of rhubarb, they wanted to help with the rest.  Hilde measured and poured while I had Timothy cutting the crust into crumbs. They carried through until they watched me put it in the oven to bake.
  It seems that our young ones are ready for more than we think.
  Because they are young does not make them incapable.
  Hilde commented that God is breath.
  I was brought to a heart stop, to enjoy that truth, and appreciate the little mouth that spoke it.

Matthew 21:16  "Do you hear what these are saying? 
And Jesus said to them,
"Yes." Have you never read,
'Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants
You have perfected praise'?"

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


  We bid a fond farewell to Vivi, our sweet, young woman from China.  She has lived in our home for the past ten months.  The parting was bittersweet as most partings are.  She punctured our hearts, with her love for life, the minute she stepped through our front door.  It has been a joy to host her during this past school year.  Now she goes home to continue her schooling and her teaching.
  We will miss her.  I see little notes from her lying around the house.  They are like musical notes making a sweet, enduring  melody of memories.
  We love you, Vivi. 
  We always will.

Hebrews 13:2  Don't neglect to
Entertain strangers,
For by so doing
Some have unwittingly
Entertained angels.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

For a Birthday Girl Who's Five

For a birthday Girl Who's Five

Bumble little bubble
Float from here to there
Cobwebs in the attic
Flowers in your hair

Life is full and messy
Plans may go astray
Overall His love for us 
Bids us stop and play

Tinker with a little toy
Sketch a happy face
Mix the dough with mama
Catch papas full embrace

Chalk upon the driveway
Paint upon the chin
Dig to China in the sand
Take a little spin

Follow quick the butterflies
Smell the blooming buds
Wash the car with grandpa
Playing in the suds

Here are birthday wishes
For a little girl who's five
Jesus bless and keep you
And make you ever thrive

Matt 19:14  Jesus said,"Let the children come to me,
and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs
to such as these."   

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Here and Now

  I'm trying to live in the moment.  To do that I am taking cues from my husband.  He is more spontaneous than I am.  Some planning seems to be necessary.  There are many moments during the the day, however,  that just need to be live in and enjoyed.  When I do that it helps me to face my fears without "what ifs."  I am better able to be filled with joy, sorrow, sadness, anger, and to deal honestly with each.  Life seems to expand.
  The best model we have for this is Jesus.  He seemed to take everything in stride.  He never missed a beat.  He really looked at people.  He was there, in the moment.  It never slowed Him down.  It never confused Him.  It never defeated Him. He was always right there.

Ex 3:14  God said to Moses,
This is what you are to say to the Israelites
" I AM has sent me to you."

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Perhaps Wednesdays

  I think I am going to have to post my blog on Wednesdays instead of Tuesdays.  We watch grandchildren on Tuesdays.  They keep us busy and preoccupied.  By days end,we are both pretty tired.  It helps me to see the great wisdom of God when babies come to the young.  The energy I had during my childbearing days is profoundly different than what I have now.

  But I can still love and enjoy.  And I do.

  A former pastor once said that each of your children should be passionately loved by someone at all times.When the children rattled my nerves, I remembered that, and it helped me see their need.  It also helped me to know Christs presence and strength in me.  He was always there filling in my deficiencies and making me a better mom than I was.

  How can anyone parent without Him?
How can anyone grandparent without Him?

1 Corinth 13:4a  Love suffers long and is kind.....

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Annoying Crash

   We were without a computer last week.  It cramped us up a bit.  My husband spent a lot of time trying to get it to work again, both on his own, and on the phone to the experts.  It was all to no avail.
He finally decided to talk to our son-in-law, who suggested he hit a certain keystroke.  Voila!
  We now have a sure and certain relief from the computer constipation of last week.  We are moving again.  How dependent on technology we've become!  I believe it has both helped and hog-tied us.  The really tricky thing is to know when it actually is a tool to help and to discern when it is just mind tickling entertainment.  It can be very mind numbing.
  The church of Laodicea became revolting to God by becoming lukewarm.  Let us stay alert so the vast opportunities of the present don't numb our minds to the high calling of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Daniel 12:4  But you, Daniel, shut up the words
And seal the book until the time of the end;
Many shall run to and fro,
And knowledge shall increase.

1 Corinth 8:1 Now concerning things offered to idols:
We know that we all have knowledge.
Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


  Years ago our family attended a church that met in the lower level of a motel.  One evening I went to church alone and was particularly burdened and run down with some of the circumstances in my life.  Much to my surprise, someone had placed a large wooden cross outside the door.

  There were some chairs in the lobby so I sat for a few minutes to collect my thoughts for a time of worship and praise.  As I gazed at that cross, the Lord spoke to my heart.  He told me to hang my burdens on the cross, and when the service was over, I could pick them up on the way out. 

  I did hang my burdens on the cross that night.  The time of praise and worship was glorious.  When I left and saw that dear wooden cross, and the One who died to set me free, I had no desire nor inclination to pick up my burdens again. 

  They died with Him there that night.

1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your cares on Him
For He cares for you.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

A Kiss and a Band-aide

  Our grandchildren are an excellent study in helping me hold on to childlike faith.  Theirs is an uncomplicated faith.  They receive good gifts with such open-faced joy.  Even after coming with such crushing troubles on their hearts, they unleash them, and skip on their way without burden or concern. They bounce back from falling with a kiss and a band-aide.

  I do not skip so easily anymore, and I certainly do not bounce like the kids do.  But, I can, with my heart set on learning,become like a child receiving all I can from a generous and loving Father.

Mark 10:15
Assuredly I say to you
Whoever does not receive
The Kingdom of God
As a little child
Will by no means enter it.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Present in the Here

  I had my wrist cast removed last week and replaced with a splint. 
I thought by this time I would be healed.  The x-rays showed otherwise and there is still a painful stretch of healing ahead.  I was pretty disappointed.  How often have I placed expectations on the outcome of a situation only to be disappointed that it turned out differently than I expected? 
  Father calls Himself "I AM."  He is the Unchangeable God who is always in the present.  I think He wants us to be like Him and live in the now; to be present in the here; to live in the moment.
  We need to be obedient knowing He is in charge and responsible for every outcome.  We can rest securely in His faithful arms. 

Ex.3:14  And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM."  And He said to the children of Israel,I AM has sent me to you."

Math.6:27 "Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?"

 Rev.22:13  "I AM the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last."

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Face of God

  Last week was a hard one for me.  The cast on my wrist became almost unbearably uncomfortable.  Jim suggested that I call the Orthopedics Department, so I did.  I went in and ended up with a new cast and some degree of immediate relief.  This week is finally the six week mark.  I will see via
x-ray how well healed it is. 
  How thankful I am for the people that serve; the folks that are skilled in their profession; the gal who cleans my house; for Jim's constant, surrounding help. 
  In them I see the face of God.

John 12:2a  There they made a supper for Him
                    And Martha served

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Forty-Five Years

  There is something about love that passes understanding.  If love is engaged only in the mind it is weak and undeserving of being called love.  Our minds might hold on to love for a time, but they are equally good at reasoning why not to love.  Love must pass the mind to penetrate the heart.  There is no reasoning that can explain why Jim and I have remained married and in love for these past forty-five years. 

  We are opposites in nearly everything and both of us are rather stubborn about it.We have learned to embrace and encourage each others differences; to yield our own desires for the sake of the other; to laugh at ourselves and with each other; to remain determined to see our marriage vows through to the end.

Love is strange.  There are times of tenderness that are heartwarming beyond description  And times also when we were just too stubborn to give up.  I still think it was worthwhile.  I am willing to go another day with this man.

If he asked me to marry him again and I could look back over all these years, I would still say yes.

Proverbs 30:18-19d  There are three things which are too wonderful to me.  Yes, four that I do not understand....The way of a man with a virgin.

Ephesians 3:19a ....to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Broken with Blessings

Well, it is the third week into a broken wrist.  It still feels broken.  I hope the healing is going on in spite of all my activity.  I've never done one of these before.
  There are so many reasons to rejoice.  Counting blessings in times of crisis has helped me through many a night that could have been fretful and sleepless.  There are many blessings now on which I need to stay focused.
  Although the blessings are many, I am also in need of working on the issues that surface.  I think God sometimes sends me suffering to show me the areas in my life that He wants corrected.  I need to ask Him to reveal to me the things I am believing that aren't true so He can help to lead me into all truth.  It is not easy work.  But it is good, very good.  I wouldn't miss it for the world.
   Counting blessings when the day is done is my go to.  Without God there is nothing.  With Him there is life forever and sooo much more.  How could anyone not choose life in Him?  Oh how I love my life!  And how very much I love the way He loves me!

Psalm 28:7
The Lord is my strength and my shield:
My heart trusted in Him,
And I am helped:
Therefore my heart greatly rejoices,
And with my song I will praise Him.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Awakened Hope

  It rained for a whole day and night.  It took down a lot of snow.  There was a big sagging of the ground cover and even the snow piles.  But as much as I like the snow, I love the rain.

  Rain makes such a comforting sound.  It washes away the harbingers of grief brought on by autumn.  I haven't yet smelled the spring, but the robins have returned. I heard them chirping in the trees this week.  The fragrance of Spring isn't far behind. 

  How tenderly God cares about the Earth. He gives the deep rest of winter to gather strength for the coming growth ahead.  He gives grace for joyful expectancy.  I think it is called HOPE.

  With God there is always and all ways a reason to hope. 
Never. Never give up hope.

Heb 3:6 ... but Christ as a Son over His own house,
Whose house we are if we hold fast the confidence
and the rejoicing of the hope firm to the end.

Rom 15:13  Now may the God of hope fill you
 with all joy and peace in believing,
 that you may abound in hope
 by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Bone Break

 I broke my left wrist last week, in a fall, while playing with my grandson.  Nasty pain sure accompanies a fall like that.  We got it all worked out and two hours later I was splinted and on my way back home.

 Now, I am so thankful my husband was there and able to work out the delivery of everyone to their respective places, gymnastics, orthopedics, home, etc.  I saw the Lord's hand in holding back the severity of the break, no surgery necessary.  Our grandson was oblivious to what happened until we explained later.  There was joy and laughter in spite of the pain.  Other blessing continue to reveal themselves.
God is so wonderful!

II Corinthians 1:3-4
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
The Father of mercies and God of all comfort,
Who comforts us in all our tribulation.
That we may be able to comfort those who are in trouble.
With the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Heated Fruit

 In tense situations, anger, frustration and the words that accompany them can do much damage.   In the heat of the moment, the fruits of the Holy Spirit do their best work.
  Funny how fruit always seems to smell the sweetest when a little heat is applied.

Proverbs 15:1
A gentle answer turns away wrath,
But harsh words stir up strife.

Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is
Love, joy, peace,long-suffering,
Kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
Gentleness, self-control,
Against such their is no law.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Comfort Food

  We are hosting a woman from China  this year.  She has brought joy and laughter into our home.She lives mostly in our basement which is set up for a comfortable sleeping and living arrangement.  She uses our kitchen and occasionally watches a movie with us or hangs about. We get along very well.  She is an excellent cook and we enjoy her meals very much.....up to a point.
  It is what we are used to that gets in the way.  We hunger for the familiar.  Why is that?  The things, whether good or bad for us doesn't matter, it's the familiar; the pattern of things; the habit.
  It is like that with nagging sin and self-seeking pleasures too.  We get weakened by them and the familiar takes over. Now we want more than what is good for us. It can be the other way around too.  If we feed our hearts on what is truly good for us, we get used to the healthy and godly way of things.
  How many days does it take YOU to create a healthy habit or pattern in your life?  Is it worth the investment?  God seems to think so.

1 Thessalonions 5:14-15
 Now we exhort you ,brethren
warn those who are unruly,
comfort the fainthearted,
uphold the weak,
be patient with all.
See that no one renders evil to anyone,
but always pursue what is good
both for yourselves and for all.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Planted Under His Yoke

  I love flowers.  Several days ago I put some bulbs on top of narrow necked vases.  I filled the vases with water, up to the top. The bulbs are beginning to grow roots and a few of them have the first greens popping out.  How I love to see new growth, both in plants and people.
  The longer I live, the more I am convinced that we should grow right where we are most suited to grow.  I think that is in our "places where we are". Striving for other or more seems less important than ever.  God is so gracious that He gives the increase.
  All credit goes to Him who sits on the throne.  Jesus says to come to Him for His yoke is easy and His burden is light. How I love that Scripture!  It calms me every time I think about it.  It makes life so livable right where I am planted.

Matt 11:28-30  "Come unto me all you how labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am gentle and lowly of heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.
For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

Friday, February 1, 2019


We are getting ready to head South for two weeks with a cruise in the midst of it. 
Life since Thanksgiving has been abundantly full and challenging.  It will be good to head out to breathe free, do some pondering, and some writing.
Since my Dads death I have been having a hard time emotionally and spiritually.  Time and space will be a big part of healing for me, with God as my resource and rescue. 
Seasons change and we must change with them to be healthy.  I hope I can do just that.

Eccl.3:1  To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose
under heaven.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Eye Candy

  As we drove through KS on our way back home today, the hills were covered with a light blanket of snow.  It made the definition of hill crests and valleys so clear and beautiful.   All the quilts were securely knotted in tufts of prairie grasses.  Just lovely.

  All of it was sugar for the eye like I've never tasted before.

Ps. 147:15-17    He sends out His command to the earth;
His Word runs very swiftly.
He gives snow like wool;
He scatters the frost like ashes;
He casts out His hail like morsels;
Who can stand before His cold?

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Help in the Noise or the Hollow

  The house has a hollow sound to it today.  Six of the grandchildren were here over the weekend and have gone back home.  The sparkle and noise they bring is missing.  I can still hear the echo of their voices as I sit and ponder all that went on.  It certainly was busy, and, somewhat overwhelming.  Somewhere along the line, parenting kicked in again, and between the two of us (my husband and myself) we got everybody where they needed to be and when.
   Now, the quiet gives me time to regroup for the week ahead.  It always seems to be difficult to discern the presence of the Lord after such intense activity. I takes me some time.  I struggle to clear my mind of all the filled spaces of my heart and home, even in the hollow of this empty house.
  Nevertheless I know the Lord has been with me through this whole adventure.  He is the One who had infinite patience and love flowing through me when the little boys fought or when everyone was hungry and consequently irritable.  I see his help and work in the midst of all of the noise and rush.  He just never leaves my side, and He is here still.

Duet. 31:6  Be strong and of good courage
do not fear nor be afraid of them;
for the Lord your God,
He is the one who goes with you.
He will not leave you nor forsake you.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

He Softens

  My heart was crusty and baked tightly shut when I went to church for a worship night at the close of the year.  I was hurting emotionally and physically.  I felt cranky so I secluded myself in the "Fussy Babies Room" while the music team practiced. 

  Somehow the brokenness of the music started to soften my heart.  I identified with the music which just wouldn't be right until it was played during the worship time.  I wanted to be right too.

  Sitting in service later on I had a perfect God moment. He just swept me to the throne of mercy and grace.  There, repenting of my bad attitude, I found forgiveness.

  Later in the service, I among others, raised my hand for prayer for healing.  Father heard the simple prayers those who laid hands on me and prayed, and healed me instantly of some long standing pain.
Mercy and grace.  Forgiveness and healing.  How can we not love and worship a God who offers this?

Let us therefore come boldly
to the throne of grace,
that we may obtain mercy
and find grace to help
in time of need.

Friday, January 4, 2019

The Veil Grew Thin

 My father passed through the veil very peacefully on December 13th, 2018.  So now, because of this I am really thinking about feet.
  Dad began his career as a farmer.  He must have walked every square inch of the farm he bought from his parents.  He knew it all.  I marveled at the knowledge he had of trees, springs, blackberry patches, wild grapes, hazelnuts and so much more; and just were to find it.
  He worked hard. Those dear feet served him well right up to a couple of weeks before he died when he fell and injured one of them,
  Bedridden, it didn't take long for him to find home,
Dad was 94 years old,

John 14:2-3 In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you.  I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself; that where I am there you may be also.