Thursday, September 12, 2019

His Footstool

   Although we are still picking some things, our garden is well beyond peak.  I reflect on the amazing days of gathering produce these past months, and can't help but recall our first garden in St. Cloud.  Located exactly where it is now, we planted and worked to get anything to grow, besides weeds and bugs.  My first crop of green beans was meager and bug eaten.  With every bean I picked, I thanked Father for His wonderful provision.
  This year, we were still eating from last years produce, when our season ran down for the year.  Amazing!  Picking and gathering is, for me, a gentle and tender time. God is so close and I praise Him for His abundance.  It is a time of getting close to Him with a thankful heart and pondering the shear wonder of His good earth.
  It is almost as though His feet were resting in our garden.

Matthew 5:34-35 But I say to you, do not swear at all:
Neither by heaven
   for it is God's throne
Nor by the earth
  for it is His footstool;
Nor by Jerusalem,
  for it is the city of the great King.

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