Wednesday, December 11, 2019

What a Birth Announcement

  Angels!  Can you imagine the sky suddenly radiant with an angel filling the whole night with
"Do not be afraid!"???  Jesus was not born in obscurity as some seem to think.  Yes, it was little Bethlehem, but to have the nighttime sky announce your birth is pretty amazing.

  Good tidings of great joy were announced that night, and it only got better and better.  After the angel gave his message, suddenly, the sky was full of them.  The shepherds must have thought they had gone crazy.  But not so.  There were numerous shepherds watching their flocks, so they could talk about it and pinch each other and know it was the real deal.

  "There is born to you this day in the city of David"... It didn't happen yesterday, He was born this day.  This baby was fresh spankin new.  He was the long awaited, anticipated Savior of the World.  And He was announced by an entire host of heaven.  Nobody knows how long the angels hung around.  They did get off a rousing good round of "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" before they left.

  I hope His birth gives you reason to pause, and just bask in the awesome glory of that night.

Luke 2:10  Then the angel said to them,
"Do not be afraid,
For behold I bring you tidings
Of great joy
Which will be to all people."

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