Saturday, November 23, 2019

God's Amused Affection

   It is long past blog time and I am finally getting to it.  I had a busy, exhausting but fulfilling week.  For the first time since breaking my back I was off my strong pain meds and able to drive myself to several appointments.  I also had several visitors and I do believe they do more for me than therapy and doctors.  Visiting with and praying with each other goes a long way towards healing my mind, heart and body.  It gives me that positive reinforcement to keep my mind on the good things of God.  No small matter!

  Pain still keeps me home and close to the recliner.  Physical Therapy begins on Monday.  We'll see what they can do with me.  I've had two sessions with a therapist that worked on my smashed face.  It decreased the headaches tremendously.  Both sessions made me very unsteady on my feet for a time, and I continue to be cautious, especially as I round corners.

  Did I mention that one night, several weeks after falling, I decided to sleep in one of the recliners in the back room that I frequently use for my quiet times, and it fell over backwards with me in it?  Yes it did.  That caused a bit of a conundrum for me.  I had to figure out how to get out of it and back up again without hurting myself.  My daughter had taught me to roll like a log so I rolled out of the recliner and unto the floor.  I rested there until I was able to get up.  Thankfully there was no harm done, except the recliner needs repair.  Such excitement....about all I could handle!

  God is watching.  I believe, along with me, He is grinning.

1Peter 5:7 Amp  Casting the whole of your care
[all your anxieties, all your worries,
all your concerns, once for all]
On Him,
for He cares for you affectionately,
and cares about you watchfully.

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