Tuesday, July 30, 2019


  Our wrens fledged last week.  I had asked the Lord to please let me see it happen.  But this time I missed it by maybe an hour or two.  The wren house is on the backside of the garage.  When I went out to check , there were two adult wrens ripping the atmosphere with there angry chirping.  I decided not to check too closely.  Maybe next time I will catch the young ones in the act.

  Always the Father hears my prayers, but sometimes I need to wait.  I feel so blessed to have been outside each evening to watch the parent birds fly back and forth feeding those frenzied little mouths.The song and chirping was always a sweet touch from God.He knows how much I love the birds that visit our back yard

I am so thankful.

1 Thess. 5:18  Give thanks in everything;
For this is God's will
For you
In Christ Jesus

Ps.   Later in the week I caught the little bluebirds in the lawn, just fledged.
Praise the beauty of our Father!

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