Thursday, October 31, 2019


  Having the major pain of a fractured vertebrae under control, this week has been filled with the little annoyances that come and build unrest.  The computer locked up and I needed to depend on brains bigger than mine to get it up and running again. and that took time.  I inadvertently deleted my favorite and much used Bible app.  I have tried repeatedly to reinstall it, to no avail.  I dropped and broke my water bottle, the only one in the house.  I had recently cleared the cupboard of all the extras.  I woke up with more pain today.  Who knows why.  And a host of things too small to mention, but I would love to complain about.  So.  Now that I have that off my chest, I can get on with, once again, choosing joy.

  Having long ago received Jesus as Lord of my whole life I also have to be willing to take the long winding trail of patient, persistent perseverance.  Although it is not easy, it is so good to be obedient to the call of suffering for Christ's sake; to be conformed to His image; to better understand His strength in me.  I still would give anything to be conformed to Jesus, His will and His way.  Whatever it takes.

  Jesus came out of the wilderness filled with the Holy Spirit and with power.  I want the same thing.  The Holy Spirit and power to speak His words, do His works and watch His miracles happen with my own eyes.  Revival is near, at the very door.  I hold my breath in expectation.  Jesus has great plans.  I will be part of it.

John 14:12 "Most assuredly, I say to you
He who believes in Me,
The works that I do he will do also,
And greater works than these he will do,
Because I go to the Father."

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