Monday, August 26, 2019


  Jim and our grandson Timothy (7 yrs.) took down a rather large old apple tree in our back yard. There was a lot of digging and sawing to get some of the big roots cut.  When the time came to pull it down, Timothy shimmied up the tree and tied on the rope.  After that it was a joint effort to topple it.  When it finally cracked and came down the cheer was worth all the work

  The "men" hauled branches and stacked them on the old van.  We all piled in to go along to the compost site.  There was a great Minnesota storm brewing and as Jim left the van to pull the limbs from the top, It let loose with a deluge.  Oh! How delighted everybody was to see him get drenched!  But the fun wasn't over.  He needed to get some pails of black dirt to fill the hole.  He got in the car dripping wet (much to our delight) and drove to the pile of compost he needed.

  When he got out of the van to fill up the pails, God let the clouds loose with a mighty rush of water!
He got back in just soaked to the skin.  When he got back into the vehicle, the rain let up to a gentle drizzle. I do believe he enjoyed entertaining us.
Water.  Such a blessing from God in more ways than one.

Psalm 65:9a  You visit the earth
And water it
You greatly enrich it
The River of God is full of water

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