Thursday, July 25, 2019

New Arrivals

  First of all, I'm sorry about being late with this blog.  We've had Timothy, age 7, and Hilde, age 5, with us since Sunday.  Frankly I haven't even thought about writing.
  On Monday 7/22 their twin brothers were born.  They look alike.  When they say "identical" they   know what they are talking about.  For the time being, Isaac is a pound heavier at 7#8 oz.  It is easy to tell them apart when I hold one of them.  Samuel is the feather weight at 6# 8 oz.
  This whole pregnancy has been exceedingly blessed by the experiential goodness of God..  He gave them twins when that is what we asked for in spite of not having twins in the families.  Father provided many of the durable goods at low cost, or, free.  Everyone stayed in good health.  The weight and health of the babies is such that they can go home right away,  Mom worked her job until Friday before delivery on Monday, so she can enjoy the time off provided, and get used to this whole new set of inter personal relationships.
  We are overflowing with 14 grandchildren, seven boys and seven girls.  Long ago we learned that children were blessings from God.  We are blessed and rejoice.

  Psalm 127:3
  Behold, children are a heritage
  From the Lord,
  The fruit of the womb
  Is a reward.

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