Thursday, August 8, 2019

News Flash! Dominick Turns 36!

  Our Dominick turned 36 years old today, 7/30.  This guy is so amazing, he is extremely brilliant.  He just can't talk his brilliance.  He shows it to us in other ways.
  His eyes tell their own story.  They are so expressive.  You can understand what he has to say if you take the time to look.
  How seldom we look into each others eyes.  Social media has stolen something sacred from us.  Instead of eyes we look at screens.  I am not condemning social media.  There are many good uses for it.  I just wished we could balance our lives more easily; maybe really look and listen.
  There are people in Dominick's life that really matter.  They really see. They take the time to look intently and "see" what he wants to say.  These folks come and go in his life, but each one makes an impact on his it...and on ours too.
  We love them and praise God for them.

Psalm 139;16a Your eyes saw my substance,
Being yet unformed.

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