Thursday, December 19, 2019

More About Angels

  In the Scripture, I saw recently and for the first time, when the angel announced the Good News about Jesus' birth, he stood before them. Somehow I always had him suspended in the nighttime sky.  The glory of the Lord shone around the angel as well as the shepherds who were minding their business caring for the flocks.

  Lk 2:9  And behold,  an angel of the Lord stood before them,
 And the glory of the Lord shone around them,
 And they were greatly afraid.

  The multitude of the heavenly host who joined the first angel were possibly on the ground surrounding them as well.  Imagine!  A multitude!  How many might that be?  Maybe as far as the eye could see?  And the multitude were not singing, but saying, the announcement of glory and goodwill from God.

  2 Kings 6:17  And Elisha prayed and said,"Lord,
I pray, open his eyes that he might see."
Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw.
And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

  We, you and I, are now the bearers of the Good News of Jesus' birth; the unimaginable grace and goodwill for this earth crumbling under the weight of sinful people.

  Don't neglect to announce the Good News to all who are hungry.
  The Word will not return void.

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