Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Perhaps Wednesdays

  I think I am going to have to post my blog on Wednesdays instead of Tuesdays.  We watch grandchildren on Tuesdays.  They keep us busy and preoccupied.  By days end,we are both pretty tired.  It helps me to see the great wisdom of God when babies come to the young.  The energy I had during my childbearing days is profoundly different than what I have now.

  But I can still love and enjoy.  And I do.

  A former pastor once said that each of your children should be passionately loved by someone at all times.When the children rattled my nerves, I remembered that, and it helped me see their need.  It also helped me to know Christs presence and strength in me.  He was always there filling in my deficiencies and making me a better mom than I was.

  How can anyone parent without Him?
How can anyone grandparent without Him?

1 Corinth 13:4a  Love suffers long and is kind.....

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