Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Power of the Spirit

There are a number of things rattling around in my heart.  How can I best serve God and my neighbors?  How can the passions of my heart be satisfied without a platform on which to deliver?
  It is a dear thing to wait on the Lord.  He is the one that opens the windows of heaven for me.  It is never by my might or power that I am successful in proclaiming the Gospel, or doing acts of service for His children.  It is only by His Spirit that anything gets done successfully.
  I have been feeling pretty well lately.  Oh, I still have some issues, but they are so minor compared to all the physical maladies of the past, that I feel I am doing really well.  It makes me restless to DO.  I have been a mother forever, and helping out with the grandchildren satisfies somewhat.  But it seems there is more on the horizon.   It's cloudy and I can't see clearly what's out there but I sense something awaits.   The preparation time might last for 75.5 years so that 5 months of longing might be fulfilled.  I know it will be worthwhile when the Lord releases in the power of the Spirit.

Zechariah 4:6b  Not by might
Nor by power
But by My Spirit

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