Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Bachelor Uncles

  Our sons, Dom and Charlie, (the bachelor uncles) were bot born with microcephaly.  They are 35 yrs. and 30 yrs. old.  Back in the day they were "labeled" severely cognitively delayed.  I can understand why.  However they are both very intelligent and gifted.  Charlie has a wonderful memory and purity of joy.  Dominick is very compassionate and kind.

  We took them with us to Kansas to celebrate the Fourth of July with Emily and Phillip and their families, their siblings, nieces and nephew.  The weather cooperated mostly and we had a wonderful time.

  Nine to ten hours in the car can be challenging for all of us.  The guys perseverate, getting stuck on their favorite subjects, and we know them all.  They are clearly gifts from God.  They can, however, drive us crazy.

  This time I played a book on tape.  We had cooperation and peace all the way.  It was nothing short of a miracle!

Numbers 6:26 The Lord lift up His countenance
Upon you
And give you peace.

And He did.

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