Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Two Weeks After the Fall

  Although, I don't yet know all the details of my fractures, life has become more bearable.  The first week was unreal I hurt so much.  This past week the pain has calmed down just a little more each day.  Now I feel I've plateaued somewhat.  It is probably right to expect a slow down.

  Each day I am still rising in the morning to extra pain from night stiffness, but the same joy greets me and is mine for the taking.  And, yes, I have to choose joy and act on it.  But it is a wonderful way to spend the day.  My dad always said, "Attitude with gratitude."  He has a valid point.

  I believe there will be stories for a long time to come as the Benson kids had a great time with their PapaJim.  He enjoyed their company also and I'm so glad he could go.   Eric and Emily had an unfamiliar time figuring out how to do vacation with just two opinions about what to do next.  It was good for them.

  1Thessalonians 5:18  Give thanks in everything:
  For this is God's will
  For you
  In Christ Jesus.

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