Tuesday, January 8, 2019

He Softens

  My heart was crusty and baked tightly shut when I went to church for a worship night at the close of the year.  I was hurting emotionally and physically.  I felt cranky so I secluded myself in the "Fussy Babies Room" while the music team practiced. 

  Somehow the brokenness of the music started to soften my heart.  I identified with the music which just wouldn't be right until it was played during the worship time.  I wanted to be right too.

  Sitting in service later on I had a perfect God moment. He just swept me to the throne of mercy and grace.  There, repenting of my bad attitude, I found forgiveness.

  Later in the service, I among others, raised my hand for prayer for healing.  Father heard the simple prayers those who laid hands on me and prayed, and healed me instantly of some long standing pain.
Mercy and grace.  Forgiveness and healing.  How can we not love and worship a God who offers this?

Let us therefore come boldly
to the throne of grace,
that we may obtain mercy
and find grace to help
in time of need.

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