Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Fourth of July

Wamego, KS has the best fourth of July celebration in the state.  Our daughter Emily, her husband, Eric, and four children live there. Our son Phillip and his wife Jaimee live in Wichita with their two girls, and they join us in Wamego. for the festivities.  We head down there every Fourth of July. 

  A beautiful bed and breakfast greets us with open arms and the children take turns staying with us two by two. The family time is just wonderful.   So far, we all get along really well.  Wamego does it up well.  There is always a parade through town, an antique car show and carnival rides for the kids.  The fireworks are always spectacular. 

  Oh! How we enjoy!
  Remembering and being thankful for our freedom.

PS 33:12  Blessed is the nation
Whose God is the Lord
The people whom He has chosen
As His heritage.

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