Friday, October 11, 2019

Always Good

  My health has improved this past month or so and I am looking forward to some time nurturing the young of our little clan.  The oldest of our grandchildren is 15 years old.  She is independent and wonderful.  Margaret is small and feisty and strong of character.  I absolutely adore her.  Josephine is her sister, 14 yrs. and a budding artist.  She is creative in many of the arts, but I think she is stellar in the performing arts of music, and acting.  She is truly a girl after my own heart.

  Then there is David.  What a unique young man, at 11.   He has a soft heart but a strong body.  I have seen that kid do somersaults all over the house.  I think he could even do them up the stairs.  But even more than that, he is more of a sponge than I have seen in most kids.  For example, he knows more about birds than I would care to come up against in any contest.  He knows more about other things too.  Absorbing is what he seems to do best.

  Laura, the youngest of the family, is pure gold!  Although she is only 9 she has told me (at least four years ago) that he had known Jesus all her life.  She loves just everybody.  She is active and caring and packed with gifts that will explode into nurture and care of others.  A darling to be loved and to learn from, as are all of them.

  These are the children we are going to be with for the next week.  I am really excited  as their parents have a long awaited vacation.

  I am so very glad that our children were brave enough to have children of their own.  It takes courage these days to bear children and raise them in the hard life of Christianity.  A life in and with God is not always easy, but it is always good.

Psalm 127:3  Children are a heritage
From the Lord,
Offspring a reward from Him.

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