Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Comfort Food

  We are hosting a woman from China  this year.  She has brought joy and laughter into our home.She lives mostly in our basement which is set up for a comfortable sleeping and living arrangement.  She uses our kitchen and occasionally watches a movie with us or hangs about. We get along very well.  She is an excellent cook and we enjoy her meals very much.....up to a point.
  It is what we are used to that gets in the way.  We hunger for the familiar.  Why is that?  The things, whether good or bad for us doesn't matter, it's the familiar; the pattern of things; the habit.
  It is like that with nagging sin and self-seeking pleasures too.  We get weakened by them and the familiar takes over. Now we want more than what is good for us. It can be the other way around too.  If we feed our hearts on what is truly good for us, we get used to the healthy and godly way of things.
  How many days does it take YOU to create a healthy habit or pattern in your life?  Is it worth the investment?  God seems to think so.

1 Thessalonions 5:14-15
 Now we exhort you ,brethren
warn those who are unruly,
comfort the fainthearted,
uphold the weak,
be patient with all.
See that no one renders evil to anyone,
but always pursue what is good
both for yourselves and for all.

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