Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Here and Now

  I'm trying to live in the moment.  To do that I am taking cues from my husband.  He is more spontaneous than I am.  Some planning seems to be necessary.  There are many moments during the the day, however,  that just need to be live in and enjoyed.  When I do that it helps me to face my fears without "what ifs."  I am better able to be filled with joy, sorrow, sadness, anger, and to deal honestly with each.  Life seems to expand.
  The best model we have for this is Jesus.  He seemed to take everything in stride.  He never missed a beat.  He really looked at people.  He was there, in the moment.  It never slowed Him down.  It never confused Him.  It never defeated Him. He was always right there.

Ex 3:14  God said to Moses,
This is what you are to say to the Israelites
" I AM has sent me to you."

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