Friday, October 11, 2019

Yes! It Is

  This post is on the heels of the other intentionally.  The post was written on Monday.  On Tues. morning I slipped in the shower, fell straight down on my backside and broke my back.  Although I am still waiting to see what other damage was done via MRI,  X-rays show a fractured T12.  I have another visit with the doctor this afternoon to go over test results.

  Jim has tucked me in here at our daughter Chelsea's house.  She and Andy were so gracious to have me so Jim could still get down to the Bensons and stay with them while vacation for Eric and Emily went on as planned.

  I am counting it all joy when I encounter various trials, Knowing that the testing of my faith will work in me the patient perseverance that I seek, in order to be conformed to Jesus.  I know that my Redeemer works everything for His glory and my good.

  The pain is severe, but, I hope to be thankful for the way all of this was orchestrated.  I couldn't be in better hands.  I can still use my arms and legs.  I can still smile through the pain, or not, it doesn't matter if a grimace escapes.  Who's counting, anyway?

James1:4  But let perseverance and patience
Have its perfect work,
That you may be complete
And perfect
Lacking nothing.                  

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