Friday, December 6, 2019

Rounding Third

  I feel like I am finally rounding the last corner in my recovery.  Monday was my last ablation to settle the nerves in my low back, and I am healing nicely.  Just in time for Christmas and the few things we will do this year.  Bensons are coming from KS after and staying through the New Year.  I love that they come and stay awhile.  They are so easy to have around.

  Jim has put up all the many lights to brighten the darkness of winter.  We love the lights, or at least he knows that I do.  Our other traditions are yet to be determined.  So much of the shopping for gifts is up to me, and the jury is still out on that.  Haven't bought a thing so far.  I don't do much baking anymore, just carmel rolls for Christmas brunch, and enough of those to go caroling to all our neighbors and give each home a pan of them.  I always get all the help I need to make them too.

  It is such a special time of year for me.  I try to be intentional about pondering the various aspects of the birth of Jesus, and just how that must have looked.  Bethlehem must have been a madhouse with all those folks coming to town to register for the census; young Mary and Joseph traveling expecting their first child; angels in the sky, singing!  Really?  How totally bazaar and the only time since creation that they sang.  But more on that next week.

  God is so very wonderfully good.  Kind and gentle are the two words I would use today to discribe Him today.  He sent people to my door with such sweet spirits and tender loving hearts.  I am humbled and thankful.

John 1:9  That was the True Light
                Which gives light
                To every man
                Coming into the world.

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