Thursday, June 13, 2019

For a Birthday Girl Who's Five

For a birthday Girl Who's Five

Bumble little bubble
Float from here to there
Cobwebs in the attic
Flowers in your hair

Life is full and messy
Plans may go astray
Overall His love for us 
Bids us stop and play

Tinker with a little toy
Sketch a happy face
Mix the dough with mama
Catch papas full embrace

Chalk upon the driveway
Paint upon the chin
Dig to China in the sand
Take a little spin

Follow quick the butterflies
Smell the blooming buds
Wash the car with grandpa
Playing in the suds

Here are birthday wishes
For a little girl who's five
Jesus bless and keep you
And make you ever thrive

Matt 19:14  Jesus said,"Let the children come to me,
and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs
to such as these."   

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