Thursday, November 14, 2019

Rounding the Corner on Week # Five

  As the end of week number five, of my healing from the bathroom slip was approaching, I was using a muscle relaxant that wasn't compatible with me.  Little did I know just how sensitive I was to it.  I passed out in the bathroom and received numerous bumps and bruises plus a concussion.  Thankfully I did no major damage to my back.  That is healing nicely.

  I have to say that I am getting tired of this recliner, although I am still awfully thankful for it.  There are so many other things I'm thankful for too.  Prayers of the saints is a big thing.  With all that's gone on, it seems Father is holding a line, the tricks of the enemy cannot cross.  I believe that prayers surround me and, although healing is taking its sweet time, I see the edge and the end of this tumble.

  Many days I have someone come to my door with a meal, for a short visit, a little prayer time, some laughter and some distraction.  It is so good to be a part of the Body of Christ.  They certainly are my true brothers and sisters.  I would be a goner without them.

  God is so near and dear.  He comes with healing in His wings.
  Jim has been stedfast and helpful.  Who could ask for more?

  I am probably taking license with this Scripture today but here goes anyway.

  Proverbs 24:16  For a righteous man may fall seven times
                             And rise again.
                              But the wicked shall fall
                              By calamity.


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