Tuesday, May 7, 2019


  Years ago our family attended a church that met in the lower level of a motel.  One evening I went to church alone and was particularly burdened and run down with some of the circumstances in my life.  Much to my surprise, someone had placed a large wooden cross outside the door.

  There were some chairs in the lobby so I sat for a few minutes to collect my thoughts for a time of worship and praise.  As I gazed at that cross, the Lord spoke to my heart.  He told me to hang my burdens on the cross, and when the service was over, I could pick them up on the way out. 

  I did hang my burdens on the cross that night.  The time of praise and worship was glorious.  When I left and saw that dear wooden cross, and the One who died to set me free, I had no desire nor inclination to pick up my burdens again. 

  They died with Him there that night.

1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your cares on Him
For He cares for you.

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