Thursday, November 7, 2019

Week # Five of Healing

  Somehow, even confined, the days fly by.  Time passes quickly as healing takes place slowly.  At one point a couple of weeks ago, I was down and lonely.  I was in more pain and feeling pretty tired.  I chalked it up to that.  Other than that, although I am alone a lot, I am not lonely.

  Scripture, worship songs and past sermons have been my meat and company.  A sweeter relationship with the Lord Jesus develops in the midst of this.  I remind Him again and again , that I want all He has for me, at any cost, nothing lacking.

  Jesus came out of the wilderness filled with the Holy Spirit, preaching with authority, teaching like no-one else ever had, healing the sick, raising the dead, and doing miracles.

  The same Holy Spirit is in me.  In the past, He has used me to preach the Good News to the poor and to heal the sick.  It is my solomon prayer that this time in the wilderness for me, brings me so close to Father, that I say and do all He does.  I want to bring the Kingdom of God, to all my spheres of influence, that He might be glorified.

Isaiah 54:2-3  Enlarge the place of your tent,
And let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings;
Do not spare;
Lengthen your cords,
And strengthen your stakes.
For you will expand to the right and to the left,
And your descendants will inherit the nations,
and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.

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