Wednesday, June 19, 2019


  We bid a fond farewell to Vivi, our sweet, young woman from China.  She has lived in our home for the past ten months.  The parting was bittersweet as most partings are.  She punctured our hearts, with her love for life, the minute she stepped through our front door.  It has been a joy to host her during this past school year.  Now she goes home to continue her schooling and her teaching.
  We will miss her.  I see little notes from her lying around the house.  They are like musical notes making a sweet, enduring  melody of memories.
  We love you, Vivi. 
  We always will.

Hebrews 13:2  Don't neglect to
Entertain strangers,
For by so doing
Some have unwittingly
Entertained angels.

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