Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Final Curtsy

 The beauty of fall is upon us.  To me it begs a time of worship.  Each of the changes of seasons do.  They speak to me of the wisdom in which the Lord plans all the seasons.  He not only gives rest for the time ahead He makes it so beautiful.  The leaves changing color with a curtsy as they descend unto the ground for one last puddle of brilliant color.  He reveals the strength of the trees in winter as they rest before they receive the excited new growth of spring, and the weighted fruit of a new crop in summer.  Gods plan is good.  

  Seasons for me are the same "sad/happy" as the seasons of the year.  One ends in a show of abundant farewell  as the next one begins in new, empty, expectancy.  Hopefully the transition brings the strength of the Lord as I rest in preparation for whatever comes my way in new growth and fruit.  Each one breathes a fresh note for the gratitude my heart feels to the Lord for the beauty and productivity of the past season, and a holding my breath, wondering what adventure awaits in the next season of life.  

  As we nestle down for the final hurrah that is fall, let us do it with a thankful heart.  The variety that God shows us in His ways, are for His pleasure, and for ours.  Ask Him for the same wisdom and creative genius He has, and uses, in all His mighty workings.  He is lavish with His gifts and will not withhold wisdom from those who ask for it.

James 1:5  If any of you lacks wisdom,                                                                                                                    let him ask of God,                                                                                                                                          who gives to all liberally and without reproach,                                                                                           and it will be given to him.

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