Thursday, September 3, 2020

Healing Continues

   The abundant life continues as Jim and I move closer toward confident good health.  Jim is doing very well.  He has a couple more weeks of restricted weight bearing and then liberty.  The doctor is satisfied with his progress and so are we.  It seems to be going better this time than when he first had surgery in April.  He got permission today to use the riding mower, so liberty is settling in a little more each week.

  The issues with me continue to be rather trying.  I am having my hands and neck worked on and have some improvement, but must still have a couple of procedures before I will quit trying and just settle for the new normal.  My hands cramp with just a few lines of writing.  My neck wakes me up at night with intermittent pain, and continues during the day.   The neuropathy pains are increasing and getting deeper and more insistent.  By October I will have done everything I know to do beyond prayer. Then I will settle in with whatever I have from the Lord's hands.  I keep in mind that He always answers prayer, and He always, always heals.  He is pure goodness and is doing only what He deems best for me.   

  I am at peace most of the time regarding all the healing process.  It is something to ponder before the Lord as so far my "job" has been to write.  My hands don't allow for very much of that, so I wonder if Father has a different venue for me to share the Good News.  When I first began writing in order to publish, it was because the door for speaking was closed to me.  During this season my writing has been so limited that I wonder if I will get another assignment from the Lord.  Something to think about.

  He has plans to prosper us, not to harm us.  We can confidently say we have a faithful and truly marvelous friend in Him; one who is for us, not against us.  Rejoice!  

Philippians 4:4  Rejoice in the Lord always.  Again I say, Rejoice! 

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