Saturday, October 3, 2020

Errand of Love

  This week the Holy Spirit seemed to be nudging me to go with Jim on a little city tour as he up signs.  It is one of my least favorite things to do, look up addresses and find them on my phone or the map.  I Have a mild dyslexia so I am no good at it and it takes me a while to get the hang of it.  Besides that it was inconvenient.  I had to drop what I was doing to go on this loathsome errand.

  So I spoke to Holy Spirit about it.  But He assured me that it was the loving thing to do, so I went.  My morning devotionals prepared me for this little adventure.  They spoke of the inconvenience of doing the right thing, not always, but certainly sometimes.  To live in truth I know I will sometimes have to make  the choice that disrupts my plans.  

  We had a good time doing the job, and Jim certainly finished in a shorter amount of time, with the little help I provided.

Isaiah 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth,                                                                                 so are My ways higher than your ways                                                                                                             and My thoughts than your thoughts.

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