Thursday, March 5, 2020

One Interfering God

  After our first three children were born, we were so very content.  We were not at all interested in adding to our family.  Three children seemed just right.

  Enter, One Interfering God, and our plans began to change.  The Holy Spirit whispered in my heart each day, as I began to pray, that we should have another baby for Him.  So I asked Him to change my heart; to change our hearts.  Over the next weeks and months, as He whispered to my heart over, and over again, about the baby He wanted us to have, my heart was found by Him; softened, and drenched with longing for this child He so wanted us to have.

  And then we became pregnant.  I knew it was a boy, as the Lord had told me so.  While I was pregnant with this little boy, the Lord told me about his little sister!  Quite willing, this time, she was born 18 months later.  But while I was pregnant with her, again the Lord spoke to my heart, that there was another boy for us. Her little brother was born 4 years later.

  Our fourth child, Dominick, and our sixth child, Charlie, were both born with microcephaly, an extremely small brain, causing cognitive delays and various other possible disabilities.  There are many, many, adventures we had because of their problems.  Some of those adventures I will be sharing in the future.

  For now, I'd just say, each of us is made exactly as God so chooses to make us.   We really don't get to pick and choose.  We need to embrace, and rejoice over our differences, respecting all, as a God given individual, unique and precious His sight.

  1 Corinthians 13:12
For now we see in a mirror dimly,
But then face to face.
Now we know in part,
But then I shall know
just as I also am known.

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