Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Dom's Baptism

  Dominick was baptized on Sunday February 23, 2020!  How excited I was, and a bit incredulous, to hear him say "I want to be baptized."  "I want fixed."

  For several years I had prayed that Father would move in his heart to make his commitment, to be a follower of Jesus, public.  I don't know why I was surprised.  I guess because he hates being in water so much.  During the church service the week before when he told me, I must have asked him at least three times if he wanted to be put under water and come up a man committed to following Jesus.  Each time, he told me firmly, "Yes, I do."

  So Jim and I and Dominick met with Pastor Larry and went over the details.  It was brief and to the point.  He was committed to going through with it.

  Dom has always been very in-tuned spiritually.  He lays hands on people and prays for them regularly.  Not only that, he remembers them, and asks about how they are doing the next time he sees them.  He says God talks to him.  He has vivid dreams.  He seems to understand so much of what he hears about scripture.  I love that his name is Dominick Israel.  He loves to hear his name in church.  He loves to have me pray for him, and prayer makes a difference to him.  Often I have seen him respond to prayers for a settling of his emotions, that can get out of control.  He is a tender hearted, gifted young man.

  1 Corinthians 12:18 But now God has set the members,
                                   Each of them,
                                   In the body just as He pleased.
                          vs.20 But now indeed there are many members,
                                   Yet one body.

My MRI went well on Monday.  God willing, surgery as scheduled, on the 16th.

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