Friday, January 3, 2020

The Word

  It is a season of rest for me, sitting before the Lord and watching the lamp at my feet, to know when to go and what to do next.  The Lord tells us to come to Him.  The coming brings refreshing in so many ways.  He Himself is vast beyond knowing completely.  Every coming is an experience in getting to know Him just a little better and it is wonderful beyond belief.
  For all of us there is the going also.  That is why He has given us a light to our paths.  We cannot go effectively until we have first come.  He, Jesus. is the One who will give us our next step.
  He. The Word, is a lamp to our feet,  and a light to our path.

John 1:14a  And the Word
Became flesh.....

Psalm 119:105 Your word
Is a lamp
To my feet
And a light
To my path

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