Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Next Up Brain Surgery

  This year, after careful consideration, we decided to go ahead and explore the option of Deep Brain Surgery (DBS), to relieve me of essential tremor and the consequent medications I have to take for it. The tremor is hereditary and increases with age.  Mine is making many things I like to do more and more difficult.  There is good and permanent benefit with DBS.  I could get off much of the meds I'm currently dependent on just to be able to get food to my mouth.  Man, I could even, potentially, write legibly again.

  These past weeks, as I have seen doctors regarding the tremor, I've come to realize that some of my falls are due to the drugs I take for it.  It is time for intervention.  It is getting clearer all the time.  I have fallen twice this year already and the sudden staggering is unpredictable.  

  This winter I will take you on the journey with me as I go through the DBS process.  Brain surgery doesn't get done without its headaches; the process is part of the first headache.  I have already seen two doctors in the Twin Cities area, first a Neurologist, then a Neuropsych evaluation. And now I will be "presented to the panel" to determine eligibility.  That comes first.  If I am a good candidate there will be more appointments following.

     I will keep you posted.

Casting all your cares on Him
For He cares for you.

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