Saturday, January 18, 2020

A Little Insight to the Bachelor Uncles

  This past week has been an interesting one.  Things new that we can no longer do on automatic pilot.  Charlie has the opportunity to look for a new job with the help of Independent Lifestyles (IL).
We have to think outside of our normal box to set this up.  The goal is to be independently employed for real.  Until now we have always had him on a supervised team.  It is like learning a new language again, only maybe not so intense.

  We also realized that we may be pushing Dom too hard.  This gentle soul needs time and more restful spaces than we have been giving him.  Not allowing it is disaster.  We'd rather not have that.
More rethinking of our present routine.  Keeps us on our toes.

  It is a wonder to me that God gave us these two amazing guys.  My, how we've been puzzled at times, and so slow on the uptake.  But He knows what He is doing and I certainly have grown to trust all He sends our way.  Can't imagine what life without these two guys would be like.

 Prov. 3:5  Trust in the Lord
With all your heart
Do not lean on
Your own understanding.

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