Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Final Curtsy

 The beauty of fall is upon us.  To me it begs a time of worship.  Each of the changes of seasons do.  They speak to me of the wisdom in which the Lord plans all the seasons.  He not only gives rest for the time ahead He makes it so beautiful.  The leaves changing color with a curtsy as they descend unto the ground for one last puddle of brilliant color.  He reveals the strength of the trees in winter as they rest before they receive the excited new growth of spring, and the weighted fruit of a new crop in summer.  Gods plan is good.  

  Seasons for me are the same "sad/happy" as the seasons of the year.  One ends in a show of abundant farewell  as the next one begins in new, empty, expectancy.  Hopefully the transition brings the strength of the Lord as I rest in preparation for whatever comes my way in new growth and fruit.  Each one breathes a fresh note for the gratitude my heart feels to the Lord for the beauty and productivity of the past season, and a holding my breath, wondering what adventure awaits in the next season of life.  

  As we nestle down for the final hurrah that is fall, let us do it with a thankful heart.  The variety that God shows us in His ways, are for His pleasure, and for ours.  Ask Him for the same wisdom and creative genius He has, and uses, in all His mighty workings.  He is lavish with His gifts and will not withhold wisdom from those who ask for it.

James 1:5  If any of you lacks wisdom,                                                                                                                    let him ask of God,                                                                                                                                          who gives to all liberally and without reproach,                                                                                           and it will be given to him.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

In Over My Head

 We've had a good week here.  Hopefully you have also.  Dom and Charlie are well settled into their digs.  Both of them are doing remarkably well.  It may still be the honeymoon phase but it seems to be that they have become compatible once more.  They used to be, as children.  I remember going through months without a foul word spoken to each other.  Then puberty hit really hard and nothing was compatible about them at all.  Each developmental stage normal children go through was exceptionally long for the boys.  And it seems that nothing came easily.  Now they seem to have settled into a rhythm suitable to their age.  

After our first three children were born, there wasn't a part of a second when we wanted more children.  We were so very content.  But God!  He had different ideas than we did.  He pestered me for weeks about having another child.  Dominick was finally born.  When I was pregnant with him, the Lord told me about his little sister.  We had a beautiful little girl and felt so pleased.  While pregnant with her Father told me about her little brother!  

Charlie was born and I was in way over my head!  I was totally unprepared and incapable of raising this little flock that He planned for us.  Having two with physical delays and severe cognitive disabilities I knew nothing about, put us all over the top, as far as how to raise them and even getting through the dailies. 

I think God finally had me where He wanted me.  I had to be dependent on Him for everything.  Although it is hard, I kind of like living in the place of being so dependent.  God had all the answers to my many problems.  I got to know Him and His ways much better and I marveled over the many times He revealed them to me.  His ways are higher than our ways and His ways work.  Amazing.  

Isaiah 55:9  For as the heaven is higher than the earth                                                                                  

So are My ways higher than your ways,

And My thoughts than your thoughts.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Blessed Interruptionss

 Hey!   Isn't God wonderful?  This past week  I have been thinking of the frequent interruptions that have been happening when I start to draw myself to the Lord in prayer.  I have confessed my sin of prayerlessness and hate it.  I so badly want to be near to Jesus as He whispers His beautiful Word to me, but so very often I am distracted and sideswiped by thoughts from the smallest infractions to really important things, like calls from the kids or deer in the backyard!  :)

  Suddenly I began to see that all the disruptions were of God!  So I was able to relax and enjoy them instead of fight to remain in prayer, or wherever I happened to be at the time.  It seems that the Lord is in every interruption and if I am sensitive to Him, He shows me how it is His will that I listen.  I have experienced Him more closely and am delighted in the nearness that I feel to Him.  And if it is prayer that I am engaged in, I return to it quickly after the brief interruption I experience.

Today, as I was praying, I just flowed with the interruptions and it was perfect. I am so certain that He is near and dear and close to my thoughts. He has indeed shown me that His loving kindness is all about me.  Oh!  How I love Him And give myself over to His amazing goodness. His yoke is indeed easy and His burden is light.

Matt 11:29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, 

for I am gentle and lowly of heart

and you will find rest to your souls,  for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Healing Continues

   The abundant life continues as Jim and I move closer toward confident good health.  Jim is doing very well.  He has a couple more weeks of restricted weight bearing and then liberty.  The doctor is satisfied with his progress and so are we.  It seems to be going better this time than when he first had surgery in April.  He got permission today to use the riding mower, so liberty is settling in a little more each week.

  The issues with me continue to be rather trying.  I am having my hands and neck worked on and have some improvement, but must still have a couple of procedures before I will quit trying and just settle for the new normal.  My hands cramp with just a few lines of writing.  My neck wakes me up at night with intermittent pain, and continues during the day.   The neuropathy pains are increasing and getting deeper and more insistent.  By October I will have done everything I know to do beyond prayer. Then I will settle in with whatever I have from the Lord's hands.  I keep in mind that He always answers prayer, and He always, always heals.  He is pure goodness and is doing only what He deems best for me.   

  I am at peace most of the time regarding all the healing process.  It is something to ponder before the Lord as so far my "job" has been to write.  My hands don't allow for very much of that, so I wonder if Father has a different venue for me to share the Good News.  When I first began writing in order to publish, it was because the door for speaking was closed to me.  During this season my writing has been so limited that I wonder if I will get another assignment from the Lord.  Something to think about.

  He has plans to prosper us, not to harm us.  We can confidently say we have a faithful and truly marvelous friend in Him; one who is for us, not against us.  Rejoice!  

Philippians 4:4  Rejoice in the Lord always.  Again I say, Rejoice!