Thursday, February 6, 2020


  I know that God hates pride in any form.  So do I.  More than once I have cried out to Him to keep me humble.  There is nothing like having to use a walker, inside and outside, to humble me and slow me down even more than I was previously paced.  Because of my many falls over the past year, I had a Balance Test last week.  It showed that I was indeed walking in the danger zone.  So the immediate solution is using a walker.  A longterm fix is to do exercises that will eventually balance me so I can walk more confidently again.  I am told that it is not a fast solution, but will benefit me enough to leave my walking buddy behind, eventually.

  My first and immediate response to this news was to take a big bite of humility and chew on it for a moment.  After I swallowed, I was able to make the decision to embrace the advice, leave the clinic, and dig out the walker from the depths of the basement.  Our durable medical equipment closet has become rather extensive, so I didn't have to go out and buy one this time around.

  At first it was slow going, as I figured out how to get around the house, the car, etc., but it is getting easier.  I find that the doors inside the house are just wide enough to get through with the wheels still on the ground, another inch wider would be waste space. :)

  So, on we go.  Entering His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise,  humbling myself in the sight of the Lord.  All in due time.  All in due time.

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