Saturday, February 15, 2020

Await the Date

  We spent over an hour with Dr. Kyle Nelson, a Neuro-Surgeon, on Thursday afternoon.  He was very thorough in explaining DBS surgery and its results.  We drove home pretty excited about going ahead with it.  The results patients get are truly remarkable.  The shaking ceases immediately upon finding the "sweet spot" in the brain from where it originates.  So dramatic is the change that one member of the operating team frequently tears up with emotion when she sees the patient go from extreme shaking, to drawing a smooth prefect circle, signing a legible name, and making as though they are drinking, all with no shaking.

  The first thing I will need to do after I get approval and an appointment, is to go to Abbot-Northwestern Hospital to have an MRI of my head.  That will give the doctor a "road map" to use for the wire to follow.  

  Until then, I am doing my exercises at home with PT visits every week.  I feel like they are helping. The past two evenings I could be up yet at suppertime, making our evening meal.  Nice change up for both of us.  I do have to sit frequently to give myself a break.  I find that the more I try to do, the more I shake, drop things, forget to snatch things from the pantry and just mess up in general.  But it is sooo nice to be able to cook a meal again.

  Next week we take care of the Wade children, Ida, 13yrs, Marcus, nearly 12, Levi, 8 and Casey 5.  It should be a wonderful and fun week.

Ps 27:14  Wait on the Lord
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the Lord!



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