Thursday, November 28, 2019

So Thankful, Not Always

  Are you thankful?  I am.  Everything I see and do are reflections of God.  I know how He loves me and is working all things together for my good and His glory.  There was a time when I wasn't so thankful.

  Thirty years ago we had a little boy named Charlie.  I knew he was a gift from God, but I just couldn't get myself to receive that he had microcephaly like his older brother, Dom.  We were having endless difficulties with raising one child with so many problems, how on earth were we going to manage two?

  I slipped into a very ungrateful depression, and it happened before he was a day old.  Oh! How I just wanted to put on my shoes and walk away and never look back.  But that is not what good christian women do, so, I stayed.  Ps 127:3 says "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward."  I kept thinking "a reward for what?"

  Of course I didn't 'walk away' but I did nurse a pretty black depression for a number of months.  A little, simple exercise in briefly writing out the reasons I was thankful, broke my depression.  I realized that I was telling myself that I just didn't care, when really, I cared very much.  And by then this little guy of ours had worked his way into our hearts on his our merit.  Our family could never have been whole without him.

 Ps 100:4   Enter His gates
with thanksgiving,
And intoHis courts with praise.
Be thankful unto Him,
and bless His holy name.


Saturday, November 23, 2019

God's Amused Affection

   It is long past blog time and I am finally getting to it.  I had a busy, exhausting but fulfilling week.  For the first time since breaking my back I was off my strong pain meds and able to drive myself to several appointments.  I also had several visitors and I do believe they do more for me than therapy and doctors.  Visiting with and praying with each other goes a long way towards healing my mind, heart and body.  It gives me that positive reinforcement to keep my mind on the good things of God.  No small matter!

  Pain still keeps me home and close to the recliner.  Physical Therapy begins on Monday.  We'll see what they can do with me.  I've had two sessions with a therapist that worked on my smashed face.  It decreased the headaches tremendously.  Both sessions made me very unsteady on my feet for a time, and I continue to be cautious, especially as I round corners.

  Did I mention that one night, several weeks after falling, I decided to sleep in one of the recliners in the back room that I frequently use for my quiet times, and it fell over backwards with me in it?  Yes it did.  That caused a bit of a conundrum for me.  I had to figure out how to get out of it and back up again without hurting myself.  My daughter had taught me to roll like a log so I rolled out of the recliner and unto the floor.  I rested there until I was able to get up.  Thankfully there was no harm done, except the recliner needs repair.  Such excitement....about all I could handle!

  God is watching.  I believe, along with me, He is grinning.

1Peter 5:7 Amp  Casting the whole of your care
[all your anxieties, all your worries,
all your concerns, once for all]
On Him,
for He cares for you affectionately,
and cares about you watchfully.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Rounding the Corner on Week # Five

  As the end of week number five, of my healing from the bathroom slip was approaching, I was using a muscle relaxant that wasn't compatible with me.  Little did I know just how sensitive I was to it.  I passed out in the bathroom and received numerous bumps and bruises plus a concussion.  Thankfully I did no major damage to my back.  That is healing nicely.

  I have to say that I am getting tired of this recliner, although I am still awfully thankful for it.  There are so many other things I'm thankful for too.  Prayers of the saints is a big thing.  With all that's gone on, it seems Father is holding a line, the tricks of the enemy cannot cross.  I believe that prayers surround me and, although healing is taking its sweet time, I see the edge and the end of this tumble.

  Many days I have someone come to my door with a meal, for a short visit, a little prayer time, some laughter and some distraction.  It is so good to be a part of the Body of Christ.  They certainly are my true brothers and sisters.  I would be a goner without them.

  God is so near and dear.  He comes with healing in His wings.
  Jim has been stedfast and helpful.  Who could ask for more?

  I am probably taking license with this Scripture today but here goes anyway.

  Proverbs 24:16  For a righteous man may fall seven times
                             And rise again.
                              But the wicked shall fall
                              By calamity.


Thursday, November 7, 2019

Week # Five of Healing

  Somehow, even confined, the days fly by.  Time passes quickly as healing takes place slowly.  At one point a couple of weeks ago, I was down and lonely.  I was in more pain and feeling pretty tired.  I chalked it up to that.  Other than that, although I am alone a lot, I am not lonely.

  Scripture, worship songs and past sermons have been my meat and company.  A sweeter relationship with the Lord Jesus develops in the midst of this.  I remind Him again and again , that I want all He has for me, at any cost, nothing lacking.

  Jesus came out of the wilderness filled with the Holy Spirit, preaching with authority, teaching like no-one else ever had, healing the sick, raising the dead, and doing miracles.

  The same Holy Spirit is in me.  In the past, He has used me to preach the Good News to the poor and to heal the sick.  It is my solomon prayer that this time in the wilderness for me, brings me so close to Father, that I say and do all He does.  I want to bring the Kingdom of God, to all my spheres of influence, that He might be glorified.

Isaiah 54:2-3  Enlarge the place of your tent,
And let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings;
Do not spare;
Lengthen your cords,
And strengthen your stakes.
For you will expand to the right and to the left,
And your descendants will inherit the nations,
and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.