Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Rhubarb Crunch

  Yesterday Timothy(7 yrs old) and Hilde (5 yrs) and I dug into the rhubarb and pulled a pile of it out.  They were pretty gung-ho so we set up cutting boards and some very adult sharp knives.  I showed them the size of the pieces I needed and they began cutting rhubarb for the desserts I planned to make.  After we cut at least 18 large cups of rhubarb, they wanted to help with the rest.  Hilde measured and poured while I had Timothy cutting the crust into crumbs. They carried through until they watched me put it in the oven to bake.
  It seems that our young ones are ready for more than we think.
  Because they are young does not make them incapable.
  Hilde commented that God is breath.
  I was brought to a heart stop, to enjoy that truth, and appreciate the little mouth that spoke it.

Matthew 21:16  "Do you hear what these are saying? 
And Jesus said to them,
"Yes." Have you never read,
'Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants
You have perfected praise'?"

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


  We bid a fond farewell to Vivi, our sweet, young woman from China.  She has lived in our home for the past ten months.  The parting was bittersweet as most partings are.  She punctured our hearts, with her love for life, the minute she stepped through our front door.  It has been a joy to host her during this past school year.  Now she goes home to continue her schooling and her teaching.
  We will miss her.  I see little notes from her lying around the house.  They are like musical notes making a sweet, enduring  melody of memories.
  We love you, Vivi. 
  We always will.

Hebrews 13:2  Don't neglect to
Entertain strangers,
For by so doing
Some have unwittingly
Entertained angels.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

For a Birthday Girl Who's Five

For a birthday Girl Who's Five

Bumble little bubble
Float from here to there
Cobwebs in the attic
Flowers in your hair

Life is full and messy
Plans may go astray
Overall His love for us 
Bids us stop and play

Tinker with a little toy
Sketch a happy face
Mix the dough with mama
Catch papas full embrace

Chalk upon the driveway
Paint upon the chin
Dig to China in the sand
Take a little spin

Follow quick the butterflies
Smell the blooming buds
Wash the car with grandpa
Playing in the suds

Here are birthday wishes
For a little girl who's five
Jesus bless and keep you
And make you ever thrive

Matt 19:14  Jesus said,"Let the children come to me,
and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs
to such as these."   

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Here and Now

  I'm trying to live in the moment.  To do that I am taking cues from my husband.  He is more spontaneous than I am.  Some planning seems to be necessary.  There are many moments during the the day, however,  that just need to be live in and enjoyed.  When I do that it helps me to face my fears without "what ifs."  I am better able to be filled with joy, sorrow, sadness, anger, and to deal honestly with each.  Life seems to expand.
  The best model we have for this is Jesus.  He seemed to take everything in stride.  He never missed a beat.  He really looked at people.  He was there, in the moment.  It never slowed Him down.  It never confused Him.  It never defeated Him. He was always right there.

Ex 3:14  God said to Moses,
This is what you are to say to the Israelites
" I AM has sent me to you."