Saturday, February 29, 2020

Computer Lockdown but Big Investment

  Two weeks without a running Mac Book to Blog on and I am so sorry you've had to wait and wonder.

  Last week was spent at the Wade household taking care of four delightful children, a great, as in both large and well behaved, dog, and a wonderful gal from Columbia.  iStefani is a real dear who teaches at the Spanish Immersion School, in Clearwater, where the kids go to school.  She is just like a sister to the kids.  I don't think they know just how lucky they are to have her for the year.  She is wonderful in so many ways; intelligent, companionate, artistic, creative and understanding, are some of her qualities that pop into my mind.

  The first day we were with them was a day off of school.  Fun, yes, but, I learned I would not be able to keep up the pace I needed to, in order to keep the peace and harmony.   The next day, Jim moved a recliner from home into the dining area, and after that I did much better.  I was able to be with everybody, but not on my feet.

  On Tuesday I received a call to let me know my first surgery is scheduled for March 16th.  Before that I must go to Abbott-Northwestern in MPLS and have an MRI of my head.  The Doctor is extremely picky about some things.  I guess I like that in a surgeon.  He has the MRI crew at Abbott well trained to do the procedure just the way he wants. It is scheduled for the 9th of Mar.  I must also get a pre-op physical on Mar. 6th.  So the ball is rolling.

  I must say that I have had a deep residing peace about the surgery.  I am still certain the Lord is leading me in this direction.  But yesterday I had a bit of anxiety about it.  Lydia was here and she talked me through some of the issues I had.  I will probably need some hand holding and hugs again.  It is major surgery, with someone digging around in my brain, after all.

  My big deal is not so much having to be awake during all this, nor having to live through holes the size of nickels drilled in my skull, but the recovery period.  How very little I want to be on my back again in a recovery mode.  I want to be up, doing my writing, and being involved with the grandchildren, and living life fully able.

  The time will come.  I am certain of it.  Jesus had many years when He was learning to trust in His Father for all things.  If I want to be conformed to His image, I need to learn to depend on Father for all things too.  His investment in me is amazing.  I am so humbled by it.

  Philippians 4:6  Be anxious for nothing
But in everything
By prayer and supplication,
With thanksgiving,
Let your requests be made known to God

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Await the Date

  We spent over an hour with Dr. Kyle Nelson, a Neuro-Surgeon, on Thursday afternoon.  He was very thorough in explaining DBS surgery and its results.  We drove home pretty excited about going ahead with it.  The results patients get are truly remarkable.  The shaking ceases immediately upon finding the "sweet spot" in the brain from where it originates.  So dramatic is the change that one member of the operating team frequently tears up with emotion when she sees the patient go from extreme shaking, to drawing a smooth prefect circle, signing a legible name, and making as though they are drinking, all with no shaking.

  The first thing I will need to do after I get approval and an appointment, is to go to Abbot-Northwestern Hospital to have an MRI of my head.  That will give the doctor a "road map" to use for the wire to follow.  

  Until then, I am doing my exercises at home with PT visits every week.  I feel like they are helping. The past two evenings I could be up yet at suppertime, making our evening meal.  Nice change up for both of us.  I do have to sit frequently to give myself a break.  I find that the more I try to do, the more I shake, drop things, forget to snatch things from the pantry and just mess up in general.  But it is sooo nice to be able to cook a meal again.

  Next week we take care of the Wade children, Ida, 13yrs, Marcus, nearly 12, Levi, 8 and Casey 5.  It should be a wonderful and fun week.

Ps 27:14  Wait on the Lord
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the Lord!



Thursday, February 6, 2020


  I know that God hates pride in any form.  So do I.  More than once I have cried out to Him to keep me humble.  There is nothing like having to use a walker, inside and outside, to humble me and slow me down even more than I was previously paced.  Because of my many falls over the past year, I had a Balance Test last week.  It showed that I was indeed walking in the danger zone.  So the immediate solution is using a walker.  A longterm fix is to do exercises that will eventually balance me so I can walk more confidently again.  I am told that it is not a fast solution, but will benefit me enough to leave my walking buddy behind, eventually.

  My first and immediate response to this news was to take a big bite of humility and chew on it for a moment.  After I swallowed, I was able to make the decision to embrace the advice, leave the clinic, and dig out the walker from the depths of the basement.  Our durable medical equipment closet has become rather extensive, so I didn't have to go out and buy one this time around.

  At first it was slow going, as I figured out how to get around the house, the car, etc., but it is getting easier.  I find that the doors inside the house are just wide enough to get through with the wheels still on the ground, another inch wider would be waste space. :)

  So, on we go.  Entering His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise,  humbling myself in the sight of the Lord.  All in due time.  All in due time.