Tuesday, December 24, 2019
More Christmas Thoughts
Jesus, the Son of God, squeezed through that tight, virginal, birth canal and there was no real glory to it. He came into the world like all mankind. There were no cutting corners because He was the Son of God. It was a first labor and delivery for a young tired girl. There was the typical mess that comes with birth, but He also plopped down, right into a used stable. Now, I don't know about you but, I think that might have been a real smelly mess. Jesus came, every bit, the Son of Man.
Mary wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, the "sign" that would be found by the shepherds, according to the angels who spoke to them. Why was this such a sign?
In some of my past readings, I learned, Bethlehem was an area where sheep were raised for purchase for the sacrificial offerings needed at the temple in Jerusalem. When the ewes gave birth, the shepherds would examine the lambs closely for any blemishes or defects. If a lamb was perfect, the shepherd would wrap it in swaddling cloths and lay it in a manger. This was done so it could not hurt itself and also protected The newborn lamb from being stepped on or hurt by others. All the lambs needed for sacrifice must be prefect.
Maybe, when the shepherds went searching for the baby Jesus, they found Him in a feeding trough along with swaddled lambs. Can you imagine them suddenly finding the right stable, and seeing,
lamb, lamb, lamb, baby boy, lamb, lamb?
I don't think they knew they were seeing the perfect Lamb of God.
But we do.
Merry Christmas.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
More About Angels
In the Scripture, I saw recently and for the first time, when the angel announced the Good News about Jesus' birth, he stood before them. Somehow I always had him suspended in the nighttime sky. The glory of the Lord shone around the angel as well as the shepherds who were minding their business caring for the flocks.
Lk 2:9 And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them,
And the glory of the Lord shone around them,
And they were greatly afraid.
The multitude of the heavenly host who joined the first angel were possibly on the ground surrounding them as well. Imagine! A multitude! How many might that be? Maybe as far as the eye could see? And the multitude were not singing, but saying, the announcement of glory and goodwill from God.
2 Kings 6:17 And Elisha prayed and said,"Lord,
I pray, open his eyes that he might see."
Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw.
And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
We, you and I, are now the bearers of the Good News of Jesus' birth; the unimaginable grace and goodwill for this earth crumbling under the weight of sinful people.
Don't neglect to announce the Good News to all who are hungry.
The Word will not return void.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
What a Birth Announcement
Angels! Can you imagine the sky suddenly radiant with an angel filling the whole night with
"Do not be afraid!"??? Jesus was not born in obscurity as some seem to think. Yes, it was little Bethlehem, but to have the nighttime sky announce your birth is pretty amazing.
Good tidings of great joy were announced that night, and it only got better and better. After the angel gave his message, suddenly, the sky was full of them. The shepherds must have thought they had gone crazy. But not so. There were numerous shepherds watching their flocks, so they could talk about it and pinch each other and know it was the real deal.
"There is born to you this day in the city of David"... It didn't happen yesterday, He was born this day. This baby was fresh spankin new. He was the long awaited, anticipated Savior of the World. And He was announced by an entire host of heaven. Nobody knows how long the angels hung around. They did get off a rousing good round of "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" before they left.
I hope His birth gives you reason to pause, and just bask in the awesome glory of that night.
Luke 2:10 Then the angel said to them,
"Do not be afraid,
For behold I bring you tidings
Of great joy
Which will be to all people."
Friday, December 6, 2019
Rounding Third
I feel like I am finally rounding the last corner in my recovery. Monday was my last ablation to settle the nerves in my low back, and I am healing nicely. Just in time for Christmas and the few things we will do this year. Bensons are coming from KS after and staying through the New Year. I love that they come and stay awhile. They are so easy to have around.
Jim has put up all the many lights to brighten the darkness of winter. We love the lights, or at least he knows that I do. Our other traditions are yet to be determined. So much of the shopping for gifts is up to me, and the jury is still out on that. Haven't bought a thing so far. I don't do much baking anymore, just carmel rolls for Christmas brunch, and enough of those to go caroling to all our neighbors and give each home a pan of them. I always get all the help I need to make them too.
It is such a special time of year for me. I try to be intentional about pondering the various aspects of the birth of Jesus, and just how that must have looked. Bethlehem must have been a madhouse with all those folks coming to town to register for the census; young Mary and Joseph traveling expecting their first child; angels in the sky, singing! Really? How totally bazaar and the only time since creation that they sang. But more on that next week.
God is so very wonderfully good. Kind and gentle are the two words I would use today to discribe Him today. He sent people to my door with such sweet spirits and tender loving hearts. I am humbled and thankful.
John 1:9 That was the True Light
Which gives light
To every man
Coming into the world.
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