Monday, December 17, 2018

Among the Lambs

When ewes near Bethlehem gave birth, their newborn lambs were swaddled in cloth and laid on soft hay in a manger.  The shepherds did this so the lambs wouldn't cut or bruise themselves or the others. There was an especially high demand for lambs without spot or blemish at Passover time.

Do you think when the shepherds found Jesus laying in the manger He was lying next to swaddled lambs?  Jesus, the Perfect Lamb of God, was the miracle sign the shepherds searched for, found, worshiped and celebrated. They went out and told everyone the great news on that precious night.  The shepherds would have recognized the significance of where and how Jesus was lain and served as the very first evangelists.

Luke 2:15-17 paraphrased

After the angels disappeared,
the shepherds hurried into town to see this unusual site.
They found the newborn Son of God,
just as they had heard it from the angels,
swaddled and lying in a manger!
They went out rejoicing,
telling everyone the great and glorious Good News!

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