Saturday, July 25, 2020

Home again Home again Jigggity Gig

My, but it's been a long time since I've written, hasn't it?  After ten days of vacation in the heat of Kansas, we needed some time to recuperate when we came home.  That first week was almost surreal.  When we came home the garden needed tending.  The deer had visited and eaten all the pea blossoms and taken a few of the flowers, but otherwise we got by easy.  Other years we have been stripped of nearly everything, especially the lillies.  This year we fensed much more aggressively.

Physical Therapy started too.  The kind of therapy I am receiving doesn't really fit some of my preconceived ideas of what PT should be.  My sessions consist of deep muscle releases to rectify all the years of tension to keep my body from extreme trembling.  It is going very well.  I feel like I have a fighting chance at normalcy for the first time in more years than I can remember.  The first week of therapy was pretty rigorous.  I got very nauseated and so tired!  This week it seems like the worst is over.  I am doing better.

Babysitting is also resuming.  thee children have been really good.  The twins turn one year old on July 22nd.  Not quite walking but have no problem getting to wherever they wish.  Crawling serves well.  It is interesting to watch them develop.  They really are mirror image identical.  They even crawl over the grass with opposite knees off the ground as they scoot along.

Well, as uninspired as this is, it is about all I have for now.  I hope together back to blogging every week as I did previously.

Enjoy one another for me.  You are all worth it.

John 13:34  I give you a new commandment--to love one another.
Just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

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