Saturday, June 27, 2020

A Time

WE have received permission to take Dom and Charlie along with us on vacation.  We are heading out to KS, to see the Gwosts in Wichita, and the Bensons in Wamego.  With all that has transpired since broken bones, and surgeries, and Co-Vid, it seems long overdue for all of us.  The boys are no less excited than we are to embrace a good long visit with family again.

Here at home, garden is bursting and and soon the firstfruits of our labor will be ready to pick.  As normally happens when we spend the Fourth of July in Ks., Lydia will reap the first of the peas, zucchini and whatever else she can find ready.  Their family will be taking care of the 50 odd flower pots I have established.  I told the kids that I would pay them, with a bonus for every pot that still looks good on our return.  They are eager to begin.  I am thankful.

Proverbs 3:2a, 5b A time to plant
and a time to pluck what is planted
A time to embrace 
and a time to refrain from embracing.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Update on Post- Surgery

Time for a quick review of my post surgical journey.  Mostly I am doing well.  My hair is about an inch long and I am sprouting the untrimmed look, just like most everyone else.

My shakiness is a little more tricky to deal with, but overall, I am pleased with the ability to eat with little spilling and write legibly again.  I have tweaked the battery again as I continue to reduce medication.  I seem to be tracking that with each reduction on the one med., I have a couple of sleepless nights, with restlessness and body irritability.  I am quite certain I slept no more  than 45 minutes last night.  Two more weeks and I will be off of it.  Whew!

The other one of the medications, I find myself needing to go back on, in a small dose.  When the battery is operating  the right way to keep me calm,  I have a tingle in the tip of my tongue and my speech slurs. So I am opting to take a small dose and it seems to be effective at this point.

Jim is healthy, but his surgical wound is still open and we pack and dress it twice a day.  Doctor continues to assure us it is very common and nothing further needs to be done with it.  Just the patient, character building it takes, to be done with it.

Lots of patience and character building going around these days, as we await the all clear and an end to the pandemic, with its social distancing, masks, hand sanitizing, and limited gatherings.

2 Peter:5-8  But for this reason, giving all diligence, 
add to your faith virtue, to virtue add knowledge, 
to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, 
to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, 
to brotherly kindness love.  For if these things are yours, 
you will be neither barren nor unfruitful 
in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Digging Roots Deep

  The garden plants are all digging their roots down deep during this respite from the travail of intense heat we had earlier this month.  I truly hope the Body of Christ is doing the same. We need to be ready when the next wave of intense heat comes, so we will be firmly rooted and grounded in the Word and in our relationship with the Lord.

  There is nothing more important for us during this time than to seek the Lord.  Build your trust and confidence in Him, so nothing can shake your foundation, as you stand firm upon the Rock.  Believe His Word and His promises to you.  Soon, in the days to come, we will see many of those promises fulfilled.

  Now is the time.  Now  hour.  I encourage you not to waste it.

Isaiah 55:6  Seek the Lord
While He may be found,
Call upon Him while He is near.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Complaining- Just Don't

  Of the many things I'm learning in the hidden places, one of them is not to be impatient.  Impatience leads to grumbling, and we know that God is not too fond of that.  In the wanderings of the wilderness , the Israelites mumbled against the provision of manna, saying it was not enough.  They were tired of the same old thing.  I discovered that the foreigners who went with the Israelites out of Egypt, were the first to complain, and the rest joined in.
  I am reminded to be a bit cautious of those I hang around.  If they are speaking negatively all the time, and I start believing they are correct, I need to run to my place of refuge and seek the strength of the Lord.  If I have no word of correction, or if the Word of correction given by God isn't listened to and heeded, I must guard against letting that color my thinking and the thinking of others. There are foreigners in the house of God.

  This time of isolation is well within the Fathers plan for us for now.  What we do with it is our concern.  Submission to His authority keeps me from the grumbling my old nature pulls me into.  It gives me time in His Word to equip me, to help others in my sphere of influence, to be submitted to His great plan for us.  His plan hasn't changed.  It is still to prosper us and give us a future.  Use this time to prepare for the future.  We need discernment.  It could get kinda crazy.

Numbers 11:1a, 4   Now when the people complained, it displeased thee Lord; for the Lord heard it, and His anger was aroused.  (vs4)  Now the mixed multitude who were among them yielded to intense craving; so the children of Israel also wept again and said: "Who will give us meat to eat?"

Monday, June 1, 2020

Enjoying the Brook

  Warm weather is cracking on the scene this week.  Our transplanting time is nearly over, and a good thing too.  All the beds need weeding and some thinning... the fun is over.  Time to get to the grunt of the matter.

  This week I am disciplined in self-control via my therapists orders to garden for a brief time (5 minutes) and then rest for a time.  Although I know that it is the smart thing to do, I find myself easily frustrated by the brief interval of work, and how little I can get accomplished in it.  Yet I am hardly able to do more that that without a grinding backache.  I remain weak and to build strength I necessarily must do it slowly in a fashion that is also kind to my body.

  So, when I came across this little phrase in the Psalm, I took comfort.  The brook, not the waterfall, or the river, nor even the babbling, rocky creek bed, but the still quiet brook.  How lovely that the Savior would invite me to "take my shoes off" and drink for a still moment by the brook?

   Psalm 110:7 He shall drink of the brook by the wayside... 

  When I look back over my days, and see how much I did get accomplished, it blesses me to know  I was able to drink from the brook by the wayside.  I think stopping to rest,  refresh, and reenergize, has become a new way of viewing my current normal.  I plan to enjoy it while it is today.