Thursday, May 7, 2020

Shifty Little Devils

  This past weekend my emotions were so fragile!  I was in jeopardy of tears all the time.  Couldn't figure out why so I tried to reason with myself and that was disaster.  That was when the damn opened to my mouth and that is always bad.  Poor Jim.  He handled it like the man he is, gave me a hug, listened, and let the river of tears run off his back.

  Earlier that day I had discovered a huge medication error I had made earlier last week, and was just getting it straightened out on Sunday.  My doctor is reducing two medications at a time, each at different paces.  I got way ahead of myself on one of them, way, way ahead; and had been wrong for four days running.  It was emotional disaster.

  Even as I was crying to Jim about all my perceived troubles, I would get glimpses of my real self.  It is so interesting to me that I even recognized "myself"in the midst of all the turmoil.  Medications can be shifty little devils, even though, sometimes they are the only current solution to the difficulties at hand.  My daughter, a nurse, told me if a person is taking two or more prescription drugs , they are likely to make a drug error every two weeks.  I guess I was making up for lost time.

  I thank God for medical science and the skill of the professionals that have had me under their care. Although Father has done the healing, they have been privileged to tinker with my broken vessel, until balance has been restored.

Jeremiah18:6 "O house of Israel,
Can I not do with you as this potter?"  says the Lord.
"Look, as the clay is in the potters hand,
So are you in My hand, O house of Israel!"

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