Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Present in the Here

  I had my wrist cast removed last week and replaced with a splint. 
I thought by this time I would be healed.  The x-rays showed otherwise and there is still a painful stretch of healing ahead.  I was pretty disappointed.  How often have I placed expectations on the outcome of a situation only to be disappointed that it turned out differently than I expected? 
  Father calls Himself "I AM."  He is the Unchangeable God who is always in the present.  I think He wants us to be like Him and live in the now; to be present in the here; to live in the moment.
  We need to be obedient knowing He is in charge and responsible for every outcome.  We can rest securely in His faithful arms. 

Ex.3:14  And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM."  And He said to the children of Israel,I AM has sent me to you."

Math.6:27 "Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?"

 Rev.22:13  "I AM the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last."

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Face of God

  Last week was a hard one for me.  The cast on my wrist became almost unbearably uncomfortable.  Jim suggested that I call the Orthopedics Department, so I did.  I went in and ended up with a new cast and some degree of immediate relief.  This week is finally the six week mark.  I will see via
x-ray how well healed it is. 
  How thankful I am for the people that serve; the folks that are skilled in their profession; the gal who cleans my house; for Jim's constant, surrounding help. 
  In them I see the face of God.

John 12:2a  There they made a supper for Him
                    And Martha served

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Forty-Five Years

  There is something about love that passes understanding.  If love is engaged only in the mind it is weak and undeserving of being called love.  Our minds might hold on to love for a time, but they are equally good at reasoning why not to love.  Love must pass the mind to penetrate the heart.  There is no reasoning that can explain why Jim and I have remained married and in love for these past forty-five years. 

  We are opposites in nearly everything and both of us are rather stubborn about it.We have learned to embrace and encourage each others differences; to yield our own desires for the sake of the other; to laugh at ourselves and with each other; to remain determined to see our marriage vows through to the end.

Love is strange.  There are times of tenderness that are heartwarming beyond description  And times also when we were just too stubborn to give up.  I still think it was worthwhile.  I am willing to go another day with this man.

If he asked me to marry him again and I could look back over all these years, I would still say yes.

Proverbs 30:18-19d  There are three things which are too wonderful to me.  Yes, four that I do not understand....The way of a man with a virgin.

Ephesians 3:19a ....to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge.